Chapter 90

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Harry's P.O.V

Tahira slept the whole way. Only waking up when I had to get her to eat her lunch and take her medicines. Including the vitamin tablets.

I kept on debating if it was a good idea to bring Tahira along with me but remembering the past week, I couldn't help but think it was.

When we had landed and collected our bags from the baggage claim, Tahria and I walked out of the airport with our hands intertwined. My duffle bag was hanging off my shoulder while my other hand pulled Tahira's suitcase behind us. Though she protested at first, saying she'll take it, I just gave her a look and pulled her with me.

We saw Preston waiting for us outside. His eyes widened slightly when he saw that I wasn't alone but didn't say anything and greeted us with a smile.

"You know John won't like this right?" Preston asked me when I closed the door behind Tahira when she had gotten into the car and I sighed

"I couldn't leave her alone when she's sick either, Preston." I said and he nodded in understanding

"I overheard the boys talking about it. Congratulations." Preston said and I smiled slightly


"Harry! Tahira... How're you feeling now?" Niall asked, surprised to see Tahira with me. She smiled slightly

"Much better than before. Thanks, Niall." She said and he smiled

"Well, everyone's waiting for you, Haz. We got to head to the stadium soon." He said and I nodded

"Okay." I said

To say that everyone was surprised to see Tahira with me was an understatement. The boys had understood though, obviously knowing how sick Tahira had gotten from the pregnancy. They had given us understanding looks after they got over their surprise.

-Two weeks later-

When the concert was about to start, I sent Tahira to the tour bus so she could rest, even though she protested saying she wasn't tired. But during the concert, I had spotted her in the crowd and when I frowned at her, she gave me an innocent shrug to which I shook my head with a chuckle.

When it was time for us to sing Little Things, I decided to mess with her a little. Knowing she'll be blushing brightly by the end of the song, I lip synced with the boys until my solo came, singing the song while looking at her the whole time and as the song finished, I made a heart with my hands over the real one and then pointed at her before blowing her a kiss.

Her face looked red by the end of the song but she was giving me a smile nonetheless the whole time and only looked down shyly when I blew her a kiss. It made me chuckle. Almost two years into our marriage, and she still felt shy at times. But it made me love her even more.

"What was that for?" Tahira asked me once we got on the tour bus. The boys were gone to have an after concert party while I had decided to stay with Tahira. I stepped towards her, keeping my expression neutral and she took steps back until her back came into contact with the bus wall, looking at me wearily. I placed my hands on her waist, taking small steps forward until we were chest to chest, her back still pressed against the walls of the tour bus.

"I could ask you the same." I whispered, letting a small smile come on my lips and she sighed in exasperation

"Really? I told you I wasn't tired." She whispered, looking up at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes and I raised an eyebrow at her 

"You never know when you're going to get tired." I said and she looped her arms around my neck

"I know. But I remembered something later. After you went on stage." She said and I nudged my nose against hers

"Oh yeah? And what might that be?" I asked, looking in her eyes and felt her fingers in my hair

"Just that a few days ago..." She trailed off and I raised an eyebrow

"A few days ago...?" I repeated and she gave me a smile and leaned up, whispering it in my ear.

I froze. My eyes widened and I felt my breathing stop for a few seconds. She was still looking up at me with a smile, but her smile had widened into a grin as my brain processed her words

"You're sure?" I asked after a few minutes of silence and she nodded

"I triple checked." She whispered and I grinned "We can finally do it." I whispered and she nodded with a small laugh.

I finally moved then. Her laugh breaking me out of that frozen position. I cupped her face with a smile and lowered my lips on hers, pulling her even closer to me but being careful about the baby bump.

Lost in the kiss, I didn't even realise that the door to the tour bus had opened until I heard a fake cough causing us to jump apart in surprise.

"Are we interrupting?"

The boys were looking at us with a smirk on their faces. Tahira was blushing madly beside me and she stepped behind me, hiding herself from the boys view and they chuckled. I shook my head

"I thought you were going for the party." I said and they nodded "We thought so too, but then we changed our minds." Louis said and Tahira cleared her throat

"Uh... I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, everyone!" She said before running off towards the bunks, her face still bright red. As soon as she was out of earshot, I smacked all three of them over their heads

"Ow! What'd you do that for?" Niall asked rubbing his head and I rolled my eyes

"Ruining our moment. Thanks a lot for that, lads. Really appreciate it." I said sarcastically and they chuckled

"You should have thought about it before having a moment." Louis said and I looked away before shrugging

"It wasn't planned if that's what you're saying. We just realised something that made us both very happy." I said and they frowned

"Like?" Liam prodded and I smiled

"We've passed the first trimester."


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