Chapter 26

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Harry's P.O.V

I felt my eyes widen "You want to meet her?" He nodded

"The boys have not stopped complimenting her and now you bring this up. It's an obvious answer that I'm going to meet her. Now, how soon can you arrange a meeting for us?" He asked and I ran a hand through my hair, thinking.

"Well, I'm driving back tomorrow. I could ask her later?" I said and that's when my phone rang. I pulled it out of my jeans and the ID 'Tahira' flashed on the screen.

"Is that her?" Simon asked and I nodded "Put her on speaker." I nodded and hesitantly swiped the green button

"Hello?" I said and her voice rang out

"Harry. Styles. What. Was. That?" I chuckled nervously.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I thought we agreed that you weren't going to say anything regarding me, apart from the obvious?" I cleared my throat

"Uh... surprise?" I heard her sigh on the other end and Simon took my phone from my hand. He checked the ID before bringing it near his mouth

"Ms. Tahira?"

"Yes...?" She hesitated a little bit before replying

"Hello. It's Simon speaking."

"Simon... Cowell?"


"How much trouble am I in?" I chuckled and I could tell that Simon was a bit shocked from her question and let out a small laugh "You're not the one in trouble, Tahira. Do you mind if I call you that?" Her reply was instant

"No. Not at all."

"Good. Now, Tahira, I think we both agree that there's only one person in trouble today." I heard her slightly chuckle "Yes."

I smiled slightly while Louise poked me in the stomach "I would like to meet you, Tahira. How soon can this happen?" She was silent for a while "Hello?" Simon asked and she cleared her throat.

"Sorry, I was just thinking... um... We have Eid coming up next Friday. You could come and celebrate with us?" She asked and I knew Simon was debating on the topic. He nodded after a while "Alright. I'll see you then."


Simon was about to give the phone back to me when Louise snatched it from his hands. Simon gave her a look before giving me a nod and left the room



"I'm Louise! The boys hairstylist!" I tried to take the phone back but she pulled away from me.

"Oh. Hi, Louise"

"Tahira, right? It's so nice to finally talk to you!" I glowered at her but she poked her tongue out at me 

"Was I on speaker?"

"You still are, love."

"You want me to get into even more trouble?" I asked and she nodded "Yes." I heard Tahira chuckle

"I'll deal with you later, Harry. You're Lux's mum, aren't you?"

"Yes I am."

"She's such a cute baby! You're so lucky to have her."

"Yes I am. Thank you." Louise said with a small smile

"Tahira loves kids. She kept telling me that she wants to meet Lux soon." I said and I knew she was blushing right now "Awe. You can meet her when you come to London sometime soon."

"Uh, Louise? We have school going on, remember?" Tahira said and Louise smacked her forehead "Yes. Sorry, I forgot for a moment."

"That's okay... I guess I will meet her sometime later then." Tahira said 

"Yes. I can't wait to meet you! I'll let you two talk now. Someone's calling me. Goodbye."

"Bye." Tahira said and Louise got up pulling her phone out of her pocket. She handed my phone to me and I removed Tahira from the speaker, bringing the phone to my ear.

"Sorry about that. Simon wanted to talk to you." I said and heard her sigh "Is there anyone else? My hands are sweating right now." I chucked

"No. There's no one else here." She huffed "Stop laughing. It wasn't funny, Harry." I tried to calm myself


"Anyway, I didn't call you because you're in trouble right now." I breathed a sigh of relief "So, what can I do for you?"

"Mum wanted to invite the boys and their girlfriends for Eid, actually."

"Oh, yeah I'll talk to them." I said, nodding

"Would you? Thanks." Tahira said quickly

We were both silent for a while. "You can tell Zayn it would be alright if he can't come." She said and I nodded

"Yeah. He would want to spend it with his family."

"And if they agree to come, the girls would have to be at my house on Thursday evening." Tahira said and I frowned


"It's Eid, Harry. It's like one of the only times apart from weddings when I can get mehndi done on my hands." Tahira said and my eyebrows raised in surprise

"Get what done?"

"Sorry. Henna tattoos done." I smiled "Yeah. I think they'll like that."

"Great! See you later then, Harry."


"Hey, bro! Nice to see you back here." Louis said as he opened the door to his flat. I had called them after talking to Tahira and had asked him to get everyone gathered. I smiled "It's good to be back."

I entered his flat and saw everyone was sitting in the living room. Zayn was sitting with Perrie on the love seat while Sophia and Liam were cuddling on the couch beside Niall who was sitting there, eating.

"Hey, look who's back!" Louis said and pat my back when all eyes snapped towards me "Hey, Harry!" Everyone said and Eleanor appeared from the stairs

"Hi, Harry!"

"Hey." She gave me a small hug and grinned at me "You, mister, have caused a storm on twitter." She poked a finger in my chest and I laughed

"Well, what can I say? I'm Harry." I said cheekily and they laughed.

It was obvious the girls knew the whole story, otherwise I'd probably be getting glares from them after the last conversation we had. I took the seat beside Niall while Louis sat on the single couch with Eleanor in his lap.

"When do we get to meet her, Harry?" Sophia asked and I smiled

"That's why I'm here, actually."

"What?" All the three girls said together, grinning.

"Well, she's invited everyone for Eid next Thursday."

 Zayn frowned "But Eid is on Friday, Harry." I nodded

"She's invited us on Friday. But the girls are invited on Thursday evening to get henna tattoos done on their hands." I said and a chorus of 'Yes.' was heard by the girls "And Zayn, she said she understands if you want to spend a Eid with your family." I added and he smiled in relief

"Thanks. I already promised Doniya I'll be there otherwise I would have come." I smiled.

Things were finally coming together.


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