Chapter 86

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Harry's P.O.V

My eyes widened as the voice called out. Turning around, I saw the my other two bandmates standing there, eyes wide as they gaped at me. I chuckled nervously, running my hands through my hair and slowly nodded which made their eyes widen even more than I thought was possible.



"How?... Never mind."

"Why didn't you tell us?" They both asked at the same time and I looked away

"We just wanted it to be safe, you know? Like after the first trimester passed." I said and then an understanding look came on Louis' face but Niall still looked confused

"But how? I mean, we've been touring for the past six months." Niall and a big blush came on my cheeks

"Uh... I went back home the night we had that concert in London." I said quietly but they all heard and Niall laughed "I was wondering where you were then." I blushed even more while they chuckled

"But how does Liam know this?" Louis asked and Liam shrugged

"I guessed. I found Harry drunk in a club. Dropped him home and then Tahira kind of gave me a hint from which I guessed." Liam said but then he laughed "You should've been there. I swear Harry was about to pee in his pants from the look she gave him when we reached his place. He probably sobered up on the spot." He said and I grumbled

"Shut up, Liam. It wasn't that funny." I said and he chuckled even more but the other two gave us confused looks to which I shook my head "Trust me, you don't want to know." I said and they shrugged.

"Have you told anyone else about this?" Niall asked and I shook my head

"No one besides you three knows this."

"Is it weird that I'm worried? Or even nervous? No, not worried. I mean, I'm just anxious to know what's going on and now I'm rambling and I can't stop, Ha-" I chuckled and covered Tahira's mouth with my hand. She looked at me with raised eyebrows and I laughed

"Calm down. Everything is going to be fine. Take a deep breath." I instructed and she complied "And let it go." I said and she did. I made her repeat it a few times more and when I was sure she was calm enough, I removed my hand from her mouth.

"Better?" I asked and she nodded with a sigh, resting her head against my arm, then against my chest when I wrapped that arm around her shoulders

"Yeah... Thanks."

When I had arrived back in London yesterday night, the first thing I did was demand to see the bump which had made Tahira chuckle at my eagerness but she had complied nonetheless and lifted her shirt up.

It was small like she had said but it wasn't that small to be not noticed by people who knew what they were looking for.

I had just stared at it in disbelief. It made this feel even more real than ever before, and I didn't know if it could get even more real than that.

"Harry?" Tahira called out and I snapped out of my thoughts

"Yeah?" I asked and she gave me a pursed smile "It's our turn to go in."

We stood up and headed in after that. The doctor was inside and thankfully, it was a female. She smiled when she saw us walk in. Without further ado, she made Tahira lay down on the bed that was there while she got her equipment ready. I sat down beside Tahira on a chair, holding her hand in mine.

"Lift your shirt up please." The doctor asked and Tahira complied. The doctor then put a blue gel on her stomach which made Tahira shiver slightly and me chuckle. When the doctor turned the machine on, I engulfed Tahira's hand in both of mine and gave her a small smile when she looked at me.

"Here we are." The doctor said and we both turned towards the screen as a blurry picture came on. It took a few seconds to settle until there was a small shape forming on the screen

"Oh my God." I breathed out as the shape settled. The head was obvious in the picture but the rest of the body looked like a round shape, obviously needing time until the hands and legs appeared. I looked at Tahira when I felt her hand tighten in mine and saw a tear fall down her cheek as she looked at the picture.

The feeling of parental love filled inside me so much, I had some trouble breathing for a few moments and I realised I stood corrected. Seeing this sonogram of our baby, so small and vulnerable, it made things seem even more real. It was the final seal of our future. Of our unborn baby.

"Everything looks fine. The growth is going perfectly." The doctor said and I looked at her "When can we know the gender?" I asked

"Not until the fifth month. Would you like to get a picture of this?" She asked and we both nodded

"Can you give us two?" I asked and she nodded

"Of course."

I stroked my fingers over the picture of my baby on the sonogram. In the background, I could hear excited fans from behind the stage as the concert was about to start in ten minutes.

Two days later, it was still hard to believe that the baby on the picture was mine. I was still overwhelmed from seeing the sonogram.

"Is that...?" I nodded silently and saw Liam sit beside me from the corner of my eye "Can I?" He asked and I handed him the picture "Yeah, here."

"Wow... It's really happening, isn't it? You're really going to be a dad." Liam said and I nodded, letting out a small chuckle

"Yes to both... It was really overwhelming, you know. Seeing her on the screen." I said and he looked at me confused "Her?" I nodded with a slight smile, taking the picture from him.

"I have a feeling it's going to be a girl."

Daddy's little girl.


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