Chapter 51

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Harry's P.O.V

I was happy to see that Tahira was back to herself the next day. When I saw her for the first time in the morning, she was busy playing scrabble with Louis, Sophia and Liam. Niall was just sitting there, sometimes helping them and sometimes just laughing at them when they got stuck.

"Good morning." I said and they all looked at me before a smile came on their lips "Morning, Harry!" I took a seat beside Niall

"Who's winning?" I asked and Niall pointed towards Liam and I nodded.

The game was soon over though, Louis winning, with Liam coming in second, Sophia and Tahira had a tie. Though there was something fishy going on when I realised that Liam could have easily won against Louis who was looking very smug to win and kept teasing Liam that he got beat, while Liam just laughed it off.

That's when I realised that they were distracting Louis from thinking about the baby drama.

The day of the GMA interview came sooner than I thought it would have. In between, we released a song as a surprise for the fans, but we ended up being surprised when it got to No. 1 in 86 countries, breaking many records everywhere in the process.

"Louis, father to father, how do you feel?" The interviewer asked (I don't know his name) and Louis pursed his lips before letting out a small fake smile and gave a slight nod "It's been an exciting time. I'm buzzing." Louis said just as the fans screams increased in the crowd.

I couldn't help but make a face when Louis said that and when I looked at Niall, he was trying to hold in his laughter. When I looked in the crowd, I could see Sophia and Tahira standing there, though Tahira's disappointment was obvious from the way she shook her head, Sophia was looking at the ground.

"You're very quiet today, Harry." My head snapped towards the interviewer "Huh? Oh, it's nothing." I said and he smirked at me "Missing your fiancée, are you?" I chuckled and shook my head

"Don't need to." I said and he frowned at me. I felt Liam nudge my foot lightly and I knew he wanted me to distract the interviewer from Louis.

"That's a first I'm hearing. Care to elaborate, Harry?" He asked and I decided to keep my answer simple "She has been with us on tour, along with Sophia. So, I don't really need to miss her." I said and he smiled at me

"But you do. You have that look on your face." I looked at the boys at that but they shrugged in question and I looked at him again "Sorry?" I asked he shook his head

"Never mind. But tell us something, Harry. When are you planning on getting married?" I cleared my throat "I've actually left that decision to her. We'll get married whenever she feels ready to get married." I said and the crowd awed making my cheeks go slightly red.

When I sneaked a look at Tahira, she was blushing brightly while Sophia nudged her with her elbow making Tahira blush but laugh at the same moment.

"And what do you feel about it?" He asked and I thought about it

"Well, marriage is a big responsibility, obviously. And I'm busy touring most of the year, on top of that she'll be having college to attend too. So, I think getting married at this point of time would be a little stressful." I said and he nodded in understanding.

He thankfully didn't ask any further questions about my relationship with Tahira. We had another interview after that, with Rochelle and someone else.

Though I didn't really let it show, but the other interviewer was making me feel very awkward. She kept touching my hair and making inappropriate comments here and there. When I tried to move away, as much as my chair allowed me to, she moved closer. Rochelle was trying to take over the interview but this one was not stopping.

I wanted to stop her, tell her that I had a fiancée and she was in the crowd, watching, for crying out loud! Tahira's face was going slightly red as each minute passed. When I looked at the interviewer for a minute to reply to a question, then looked back at Tahira, she was missing from the audience.

I looked at Sophia in slight panic and she shook her head at me, silently telling that Tahira had left. "Can you go after her please?" I mouthed to Sophia who pursed her lips before turning around and following Tahira.

"He's not the only one I'm angry at, Soph. It was very inappropriate of that interviewer to behave that way." I heard Tahira say as I stood outside the door to her hotel room; my fist raised up, ready to knock on the door but I stopped myself, pressing my ear on the door instead.

"I can understand that, Tahira. But maybe Harry just didn't want to offend her..." Sophia replied in my defence and I felt myself frowning.

"It's just... I'm so lost at times like this! I've never felt so possessive of anyone and it scares me... I mean, there are times I notice he's sad... And there's nothing more I want to do than comfort him... But I can't... And it's so..." She trailed off and my mood took a sad turn around.

Sometimes I forget that she's human... has her own wants and hopes... She controls herself around me so well and so much it led me to believe that she's fine, when in fact she isn't.

"You have a very good self control, Tahira. If I were in your position I don't know how I'd be able to stop myself from comforting Liam whenever he was sad." I heard Tahira chuckle slightly.

"Are you going to be mad at him? I mean when you see him again." Sophia asked and I pressed my ear on the floor even more but all I got was a shocked reply from Sophia "You aren't? Why not?" What? I asked myself frowning.

"He's already stressed enough as it is, Soph. I don't want to put any unnecessary burden on him." Tahira replied and I felt my jaw drop. I can't believe she's been hiding her feelings like this. As if they didn't matter to me. Just because she thought I was stressed?

"Tahira, you can't keep your feelings bottled up! You have to talk to someone about this. It isn't healthy for you." Sophia exclaimed but Tahira wasn't relenting

"I'm not bottling up my feelings, Soph. Just not saying it out loud doesn't mean I don't have an outlet to express them, I do. But I like keeping that to myself." I felt myself getting a bit worried about what this 'outlet' was and I knew Sophia was thinking the same thing

"You don't..." She trailed of and a horrified reply came from Tahira "God no! It's not what you're thinking!" I sighed in relief but then a feeling of self disappointment filled me.

I have to fix this. Pronto.


AN: So this chapter is an insider on how Tahira feels. Hope you like it. Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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