Chapter 24

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Harry's P.O.V

"What do you want me to say to them?" I asked Tahira. She had a mischievous smile on her face.

"Tell them I'm your fiancée. They'll have a field trip." She laughed and I smirked.

"You want to be my fiancée, eh?" I said and she blushed.

"I didn't say that. I ju-"

"You fancy me!" I exclaimed laughing and she got redder.

"I do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!... Damn it!" I grumbled while she laughed. "Anyways, I have to go back to London next Saturday." I said and she sobered a bit from laughing.


I held my phone up. "To answer the questions as to why I'm here." She nodded.

"If they ask, just tell them I'm a friend. I thought it would be funny if the Harry Styles suddenly turned up engaged in the three months he's been here." I chuckled.

"They would go into shock. I could just imagine the headlines 'World in shock: Harry Styles is off the market.'" She chuckled.

"You're dating her!?" A voice called and we saw Max standing there with his friends.

"I don't date Max and you know it." Tahira said and he turned his eyes on her. "Of course you don't, you prude."

"Hey! Watch what you say to her! You don't want to start a fight again, do you?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, mate. Just came here to see what my favourite people are doing." He said before sitting down next to Tahira who immediately got up and sat next to me.

"Tell Amber to find her gossip somewhere else, Max. Since when did you become her lapdog?" Tahira asked and Max turned red.

"Why, you little-"

"Bye." Tahira said and smirked. Max just got up from the chair angrily before storming away.

"What did just happen?" I asked and looked at her. "Amber's not really good at being discreet. She kept pointing towards us and telling Max something."

"You're an observent little thing, aren't you?" I said and she shrugged.

Next Saturday couldn't have come sooner. The whole week was spent discussing things with the management about all my answers but I had talked to the boys and told them I'll tell the interviewer the truth about why I changed. They agreed with me, saying the fans would appreciate the truth rather than a mixed up version of it. Before I knew it, I was driving towards my London flat. I decided that since my identity was out, I was going to use my Range Rover again rather than using my vintage one.

"Harry, you're here! Finally!" Louise said as I entered the dressing room for my interview with Sugarscape.

I smiled. "Hey, Louise." She pointed her hairbrush at me.

"Don't 'Hey, Louise' me. What were you doing at the girls place!?" I sighed and she motioned me to sit on the chair.

"She's a friend, Louise." I said as she started brushing my hair. "Friend, my foot." Louise muttered and I mentally shook my head at her.

"I promise I'm not lying, Louise." She looked at me carefully then nodded.

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