Chapter 72

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Harry's P.O.V

I smelled breakfast.

It was the first thing I thought when I woke up the next morning. I was a bit disorientated, but then remembered we came back home last night. The space beside me on the bed felt cold due to someone's absence.

Opening my eyes, I saw Tahira smiling at me as she sat beside me and I smiled back at her "Good morning." I said and her smile grew into a fond one

"Good morning. Happy birthday, Harry." She said, brushing strands of hair off my face and I grinned

"I forgot what the date was. Thanks, love." I said and she smiled, patting my shoulder

"I got your breakfast ready. It's waiting in the kitchen so hurry up before it gets cold." She said and I nodded. Sitting up on the bed, I hugged her around her shoulders sideways, placing my head on her shoulder and she chuckled "Harry." She drawled my name out and I laughed

"Yes?" I asked in the same tone, drawing out the 's' with a grin on my lips. She looked at me as I looked up at her from the corner of my eye and she shook her head

"Get up. Breakfast is getting cold. Oh, and the boys called. They said they'll be here by lunch." She said giving a pat to my arm. I tightened my arms around her

"Can't I have breakfast in bed with you?" I asked and she chuckled, nodding her head

"Alright, birthday boy. Now will you let me go so I can get it?" She asked and I grinned, giving her a big kiss on the cheek.

"You're the best!"

Tahira was getting breakfast into the room while I freshened up. It wasn't a grand breakfast, but there was a small cupcake with a candle on it. It made me smile when I saw it and Tahira had blushed slightly.

After breakfast, I helped Tahira in cleaning the dishes even though she told me she'd do it. She had decided to cook lunch while I went to get ready for the day. But she looked extremely confused too when I looked back at her.

"What's wrong?" I asked, walking back towards her and she shook her head

"Just thinking what to make." She replied and then looked at me "What do you want to have?" She asked and I thought about it

"How about we order some pizza today? Let's take a day off from everything. I mean, we just for back last night." I said and she shrugged

"Whatever you say." She said and I hugged her from behind. She let out a small gasp of surprise but then chuckled

"Aren't you going to have a bath?" She asked turning her head towards me and I gave her a cheeky grin

"Join me?" I asked, making her face scrunch up in disgust and I burst out laughing. Her hand pressed into my cheek, pushing my head away from her

"Ew, no." She said firmly and I chuckled, removing her hand from my cheek, I gave a kiss on her knuckles

"I was kidding. See you in a while." I said, removing myself from her and she shook her head at me but didn't say anything.

Nearing lunch, we had ordered the pizzas for everyone. Cuddling on the couch as we watched a movie. I occasionally opened twitter once in a while, nothing new was happening much to my happiness. But then my eyes landed on something

"You went shopping?" I asked, looking down at the head on my chest and she looked up at me with a raised eyebrow

"Where did you think the groceries came from after a month of being gone?" She asked in return and my mouth formed an 'o'

"Oh yeah..." I trailed off and she chuckled, nuzzling herself into me even more and I tightened my arm around her shoulders, closing my phone and wrapping that arm around her too before settling my eyes on the movie.

The doorbell rang just as we reached the climax of the movie. Tahira pulled away from me as the sound rang throughout the flat, walking up to our room, probably getting her hijab. I got up from the couch. Walking towards the door, I opened it to the faces of my grinning bandmates and Sophia.


"Happy birthday, mate!"

They all said at the same time and I chuckled "Thanks, lads." I said and they have me a hug as they walked in. Tahira walked into the room then, a hijab covering her hair and as soon as Sophia saw her, she ran towards Tahira and gave her a tight hug.

"Life has been boring without you." Sophia said and we all laughed while Liam pouted but then chuckled

"Mine too, Soph." Tahira said and I pouted this time

"You shouldn't lie, Tahira." I said and she chuckled.

We sat down after their reunion had happened. There was space left for one person, but I pulled Tahira on my lap, much to the surprise of everyone around me.

"What?" I asked, wrapping my arms around Tahira, a grin on my lips as I placed my chin on her shoulder. She shook her head at me while Liam laughed

"It's surprising is all. You both have never been like this." He said and the rest of them nodded. Louis smirked at us

"I guess the honeymoon went well?" He asked and I felt Tahira's cheeks heat up against mine but we both nodded all the same

"It was perfect. Thanks for asking, Lou." I said and they chuckled just as the doorbell rang again. Niall looked at us with a raised eyebrow

"Expecting someone else today?" He asked and Tahria shook her head

"We ordered pizza." She said as she pulled away from me and stood up but I stopped her "I'll get it." I said and walked towards the door. The pizza delivery lad was standing there with the boxes in his hands. I took the pizzas form him after handing him the money and he dug into his pockets, handing me the change but I told him to keep it. Closing the door with my foot,

Bringing in the boxes of pizza with me.


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