Traitor Mizuki

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________________________________________________ 3rd person pov

Meanwhile Naruto at ichiraku ramen Shop and eat this 30th bowls of Ramen Peacefully but suddenly this system window pov.

System ....

[ Mission:Defeat the evil Chunin ]

Reward: 5 points, 5000 Ryo, 2000 XP , Uzumaki style Kenjutsu.

Failure : None

Seeing this i smirked and start eat my remaining ramen. After eating give pay my bill and go towards the forest.


Meanwhile In the deep forest, Iruka and Mizuki were battling against each other, but as things stood, it seemed Mizuki would be the one , who have upper hand because Iruka hesitate to attack Mizuki

Iruka : he shouted "Give the scroll back, Mizuki!".

Mizuki : Ha Ha Ha evil laughed , and said "With this scroll, I will become invincible"

Then he slashed Iruka's shoulder with a poisoned kunai. The poison was soon to start its effect on Iruka's body. He suddenly began feeling tired and dizzy, and fell to the ground. With his blurry eyes, he looked up and saw Mizuki bring a kunai down to him to finish him.

Iruka: 'So this is it… this is how I'll die…' He closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable. He had a good life, and he was not afraid of dying. The sound of kunai clanged snapped him out of his own thoughts.

He saw a figure block the kunai and throw the traitor away for him 'Anbu…thank God' But he was proven wrong.


Iruka looked up at the figure. Even with blurry eyes, he could see there was a familiar red hair , "Naruto?" He asked tiredly.

Mizuki: he shouted at naruto and told "You? How dare you try to ruin my plan?"  .

"Tch" Naruto snorted, putting his hands on pockets and putting the Kunai away.

Gritting his teeth, Mizuki dashed toward him with kunai in his hand.

Iruka: He Shout "Naruto!", he was worried for his student's safety.

Naruto stood there doing nothing, only eyeing the traitor lazily. He yawned once more, hands still in his pockets. In the last moment, just as the kunai was about to connect to his chest, he simply sidestepped as a leg came out of nowhere and kneed up the surprised Mizuki and slammed him right on his stomach, giving him a heavy blow. Before the man could recover, another leg came up and instantly went down as it hit Mizuki's back, making the man kiss the ground and let out a muffled yell of pain.

"Is this all you can do?" Another Naruto said, making Mizuki and Iruka look towards Naruto and realize Naruto's clone was the one who did the kicking.

Mizuki glared at the red-haired boy  angrily as he tried to stand up again using a tree as support "I will show you my true power!" he cried but before he finished this words  three golden chains came out from Naruto's back and were sent to Mizuki, bursting through Mizuki's chest, killing him instantly.

Naruto pulled the chakra chains back into his back, letting his former sensei's body fell to the ground .

[ System : Host kill a Chunin level shinobi Earn 1000 exp. ]

System .....

[ Mission:Defeat the evil Chunin ]

Reward: 5 points, 5000 Ryo, 2000 XP , Uzumaki style Kenjutsu.

Failure : None [ complete ]


He turned towards Iruka, seeing him lying on the ground motionless. After checking him he found Iruka was unconscious.

Suddenly Two Anbu jumped down from the trees and landed on the ground near unconscious Iruka. The first one was a woman by the shape of her body. She wore a cat mask with three red stripes. Her partner had an Bear's mask on his face that covered in green and red markings. Both of them dressed in standard Anbu uniform, consisting of black and gray armor, metal arm guards, and swords strapped on their back.

"What happened here?" Car mask asked mostly himself.

Naruto: "An Academy teacher, Mizuki Touji, was a traitor,"  After that he pointed his thumb at Mizuki's body, I killed him.  "He was working for Orochimaru, stole the forbidden scroll of sealing and tried to kill a fellow leaf ninja.

"Very well" Cat said while pocketing the vial for further investigation "Good job".

"Also take Iruka sensei to the hospital. He's injured.

Bear : good job. you make easy our work.

Naruto: Hmmm, okay"Goodbye"  with that Naruto fully transformed into black smoke .

Bear:"Man, that kid remind me of Itachi","He's emotionless and genius just like him "

Cat nodded "I can only hope that they he don't turn traitor, he won't be easy too kill if he becomes stronger in the future " As a high-ranking Anbu officer, she knew most things that were happening within the village. She knew about the strained relationship between Hokage's family and Hokage's eldest son relationship . The boy hated this own families. She couldn't blame them for that. She would have done the same thing, if her family had been ignoring  her or calling her weak. She looked down at Iruka and Mizuki "Let's go" she said.

She picked up Iruka and the Forbidden scroll of sealing while her partner, bear, picked up Mizuki's dead body and they disappeared using the Body Flicker Jutsu.

Sometimes later, one of them take Iruka too the hospital and other one take Forbidden scroll give to the hokage and told what happened.

Minato was very proud by naruto's performance .

To be continued.
Authors Note:

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