Chapter two

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My sister leads me to her group of friends and there is no introduction needed to be done because it's not my first time meeting them.

They are all really wild, drunk already and having the time of their lives and I am just there on the bar looking like I don't know what I came here for.

Sarah walks to me and pushes her shoulders on mine.
"What is going on Cassy? You look so boring and that is not you." She asks accusingly and I just roll my lips depriving myself from sharing with her some piece of my mind.

She just messed with my night and she is acting like it's fine.

"I am fine, I just haven't felt the alcohol hit right in me." I say and she frowns.

"You usually don't party with it." She says frowning at me and I just shrug.
"Tonight I want to do the unusual." She smiles.

"That's what I am talking about baby sister. Me and the group we are moving down to see how it is down there. Wanna tag?" She asks and I quickly shake my head.

"No, guess I am going to fill myself up from here." She winks at me before saying.

"Great. You know where to find us then if you want us." She says and I nod.
She blows me air kisses before she turns and shake her ass as she moves it from left to right.

My sister is everything I really wanted to be but I guess God had a vision of myself that wasn't the same as that one I had for myself.

My sister is tall with a height of 5'7 whereas I stand 5'2.
She is slim just the way I like it with just a good amount of curvier at the right places whereas I am what you could consider an hourglass figure.

She is always with braids and wings whereas I love my natural Afro hair.
I watch as her group of friends make way out of the room leaving me behind.

I am not really feeling like partying anymore, I didn't want to go with them thinking that maybe her absence will cheer me up and bring me back to my mood but it's for nothing. I guess her little speech fucked me over than I realized.

I am sitting at the bar enjoying some amount of alcohol that I am drowning while enjoying the music at the back when I hear commotion around me.

I turn around as I realize everyone making their way out of the room.
Guys are whispering to one another, girls are giggling ridiculously as they are all making their way out.
I turn to the bartender.

"What is happening?" I ask the guy working there and he shrugs before answering.

"The chances are Aaron Hernandez might be attending the party." He says and I frown.

"Isn't he the host?" I ask and he nods. "But he never shows up, he comes occasionally." He adds like he's sensed where I was going with my questions.

"What would be the change tonight?" I think I said that to myself but it turns out I said it out louder because I get a reply.

"That's a question only himself can answer." The guy says and I nod awkwardly at him.

I just continue sipping on my drink uncaringly.
"So aren't you going down?" The guy asks and I look back up at him and frown.

"Am I supposed to?" I ask wondering if it's a must to do like everyone else is doing here.

He chuckles before shaking his head. "Do you realize you are the only woman still sitting in this room." I turn around to look at the few that stayed and true to his words the room almost looks emptier but even the few that stayed are male.

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