Chapter thirty eight

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Like I said to Cassandra earlier, I can not believe today, I'm this happy.
Elliot guided us to where to get the paint and we didn't find the silver shores that Cassandra wanted, we settled for a wild basil color and dunes.

We got back home to find our siblings in tact of activities that Cami signed us to do.
Again, I can not believe my siblings and Cassandra's sister are here.

My absolute dream is in reality.

"Lucy, this is Sarah, Cassandra's sister. Sarah, this is Lucy."

"Nice to meet you, dear." They hug.
At lunch, Lucy delivers lunch for us.
"Well, well sweetie why didn't you tell me you guys got here? We would have come to pick you up at the airport." Lucy comments after hugging my siblings too.

"It's fine, we took a rental and drove here."

"Who gave you the address to here?"

"None of your business." Brian song sings to Aaron. Who grunts?
Lucy shakes her head. "It's so nice to see you all again, me, and Elliot we've missed you all so much. You should come over to our house for dinner. Don't leave without visiting us."

"And miss your amazing skills in the kitchen, that's not me definitely." We laugh at Brian. "Where is even this miracle that you brought for us."


"Where are we eating from?"

"Stand or go sit your ass in the garden you've been taking care of," Cole says making us laugh before turning to Lucy.

"Lucy, thank you for lunch, sweetheart." I turn to Cassandra when she says. "I think we should go eat from the beach?" She suggests and I think it over, I realize it's the best place to go sit and eat comfortably, I find none other than the beach.

"Oh that's a nice idea, we could lay something down on the sand and eat from there." Her sister backs her idea and I nod my head at them.

"Let's go, I'm famished, caring for gardens ain't no jokes."

"I will find your guy some of my pareos to lay on the sand," Cassandra announces before storming upstairs to where our things are.
I let the others head to the beach before following my girlfriend upstairs to our room.

"Hey you," I say casually making my presence known just so I don't freak her out. She turns to glance at me over her shoulder.

"Hey, shouldn't you be with others down at the beach?" I ignore that and instead walk closer to where she is scooping down and searching through girls knows what in her bag. It is a mess, a very huge mess in this house, I'm starting to doubt us staying here in this situation is safe.

"You know we should probably get someone to get our room ready as soon as possible because I hate seeing you living in this kind of a mess." She doesn't reply me, instead, she shoves her hands into her bag somewhere deep and pulls her pareos out which I guess is what she's been looking for.

She gets on her feet and turns to face me. "You know before you start fantasizing about this being our room. Do you realize you never even asked me to be your girlfriend, you threw it on me just like that?" I scrutinize her when she says that. Trying to learn her expression to detect if she is mad except she is letting out hardly anything on her face for me to get a glimpse of what she is feeling.

I step closer to her and unsurely put my arms around her waist.
"Are you mad at me, sweetheart?" I ask softly. When she doesn't pull my arms away or be uncomfortable at the touch. I pull her close to me.
I raise one of my hand to the nape of her neck and bring her head up to mine.

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