Chapter twenty four

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I have never experienced long days full of shame, hate, disappointment, and above all pain like the days I had recently.
It's been three days since I read Cassandra's message about what they released in that article.

Cassandra Khan, daughter of the prime minister of Rwanda missing.

First of all, we announce our support and our undivided prayers to the family of the prime minister.
Because it has come to our attention to realize such hard times they are going through.
Last born daughter, Cassandra Khan it has been announced that the innocent young girl has been harassed and raped by none other than the convict Aaron Hernandez.
The poor girl after being ashamed, our in-format says that she is also been abducted against her own will by none other than Aaron Hernandez himself again.
We' have also been highlighted that the reason behind these man's actions is to get the girl to abort the seed of his actions, in clear words to kill the unborn baby that Cassandra khan bears in her womb.

The daughter's family is calling for help to everyone out there...

I couldn't go through with the rest of the article.
I would read enough.
The damage, shame, and embarrassment were already inserted in me when I read only the title.

Three days then, it has been three days and I have been avoiding Cassandra like hell.
I contemplated on leaving her to go deal with my shit but realized quickly that I could not do it.
I couldn't just abandon her in a foreign country alone, without anyone with her.

And then I quickly realized again that I would be doing what I did to her again back when she told me she was pregnant. Not a few hours after I had asked for a second chance was I going to repeat the same mistake that wasn't an option either.

I have been lying in bed thinking, thinking, and thinking. Hell, I have thought so much that I wondered back to the day I was born.

This situation made me think and wonder. I haven't showered that much I know I stink as hell. Life was somehow starting to look kind of colorful in my eye but in a blink of it my darkness resurfaced. This time with claws piercing through my heart too.
Eating was not much but Cassandra has been knocking on my door leaving food there. I only eat the ones she leaves at night.

Though is as tasteless as eating paper, nothing looks appealing anymore. But the pity thing is that as much as I did all the thinking that could ever be done out there, it's sad how nothing useful came out of it.

No sense of reason represented itself to me however the one that did at all roamed in my head from the night of the second that finally on the third day in the afternoon I knew what I was going to do.

I know I may have not raped nor abducted Cassandra but I messed with her life, I came into it and shifted things that were not supposed to be shifted. Tossed and played with her future in the most cruel ways  I could have ever done.

I shouldn't have taken her to my bed that night. I never did kind of stuffs like those.
I should have stayed in my lane, been a good host hanged with people my age, and just called it a night.

But no, I had to go and dig trouble for myself and above all for Cassandra too, I had to dig a pit for her too who never deserved it.

Saturday, in the afternoon I make it out of bed and finally take a shower. I put on a new black suit from the ones I bought.
I comb my hair, wear my Louis Vuitton watch, and put on shiny oxfords.

I cologne myself too.
Where is the hurt in looking good while accepting the sentence of your life? It's a shame we never know when death is striking because if it were generous enough it could at least notify us prier it's coming so that we could look the best of ourselves but no. It has to come as the nightmare thief that it is and steal us looking, however. Rude.

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