Chapter forty six

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"Oh, welcome dears. Welcome." I smile as Lucy leans in to hug me. I put my arm around her and engulf her in a tight embrace.

We pull back and she moves to hug Aaron too. "We were delighted when you told us you were coming over for dinner."

"I'm not a cook, so I settled to come over with dessert."

"And I came with drinks." Her gaze falls on Aaron and then she breaks out and laughs. "Who brought dinner then? You could have told me to not cook cause it looks like you brought everything." I turn to glance at Aaron feeling confused with that.

He smiles at me before moving his gaze back to Lucy. "She is messing with us." He says with a grin and then in a second. Lucy and him are chuckling.

"Calm your nerves dear, come on in." She steps aside for us to walk in however she is still smiling.
When she closes the door behind us, she takes the cake from my hands and drinks from Aaron's hands.

"I don't like when people come over with any sort of food or beverages, I like to serve everything." I follow closely behind her.

"You never told me before," She turns to pass a glance at me over her shoulder.

"I was trying to be polite but I can't take it anymore." She turns to Aaron. "And that boy beside you knows but the way he keeps pretending to not follow this house's rules is getting beyond me."

We follow her into the kitchen, Aaron and I take our seats at the dining table as she goes back to what she is cooking.

"Why didn't you tell me Lucy doesn't appreciate people who bring food over?" He shrugs before leaning in and kissing me on the lips. I raise my hand to his cheek and try to pull him away feeling shy with the audience.

"Aaron." I hiss at him slowly and he grins. He ignores my shyness and pulls away. "I thought she had moved on from that."

"Boy, I could smack you. You are lucky you are that far." Lucy serves us drinks as she threatens Aaron.

"I know, he deserves that, he is just a rude boy," I interject and Lucy and I team up on a verbal attack on Aaron.

"Boys are always rude, I have always wanted a daughter but God blessed me with two boys when He realized I couldn't get either. However I'm glad that at the top of that God finally gave me you Cassy, the daughter that I have always wanted."

"I know," I beam at Lucy feeling touched by her words. "I'm glad God gave me you, too. Girls are fun and sweet. I hope this baby of mine turns out to be a girl." I raise the glass of smooth she gave me to her wine glass. "Cheers to team girls."

"Cheers." She says raising her glass to mine in the air.
It's when Aaron clears his throat that we turn to him.

"Okay, that's so rude of you too. You know I'm here and I'm team boy but acting like I am not. It's rude too."

I laugh out at him. "And the worst thing you could have ever said is that." I turn to glance at Lucy and smiles shaking her head.

"You don't go against teamed-up women Aaron, not when you are one. You don't dare not even you are in other company that isn't a women." He raises his hands in the air.

"Okay, ladies I apologize." When his hands fall one of them falls on my thigh and I almost jump when he pinches my inner thigh. When I turn to glance at him he smirks arching his brows at me.

"Oh, sorry we are late guys." I turn to glance at Elliot and Hedrick and meeting his gaze takes me back to Friday.

We make eye contact for some time before his eyes lazily fall to Aaron's and I watch as he clenches his jaw in what seems to be unpleasant.

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