Chapter thirty five

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He smiles at me, it's small but I catch it. "You know, I have never bought a house before with a mere reason of staying in it." He says and then he takes steps forward to me, he reaches where I am and moves me backward with my eyes on him and my back facing where we are heading.

I stop when I hit a blockage.
He raises me and sits me up, I realize it's the kitchen counter. When he spreads my legs and stands in between my legs I think of yesterday.
He raises my chin so that I'm looking at him. "I tried back in Rwanda when I had that mansion built, the first night I slept into it. I couldn't sleep." I furrow my brows but he raises his hand and touches my brows for me to relax them so I do it.

"Loneliness pushed me out of it at the very first night, I found myself back at the resort in my bed."

"When was it?"
He smiles sadly. "Back when I just graduated college. Dad wouldn't have me back at home so he told me to go manage The Hernandez Luxury resort in Rwanda, but knowing that was it for my life. Knowing that I was going to spend the rest of my life there, I wanted a normal and fresh start. During my days in college and high school, he would always send me off to his resorts across the world and so I stayed in one of them most of my life.

But moving to Rwanda. I wanted a fresh start so I had that mansion built, thinking that the new house aura was going to be luck, lightness, and happiness and take away the dullness however the very first night I couldn't bear the loneliness so I abandoned it and the second night I had people over to celebrate my new home with me. That's how I decided then that that mansion was going to be for parties and fun." I raise my arms and rest them behind his neck.

What is wrong with his father, why would he push his son away?
I scratch my fingernails at the back of his head. "Finish the story, please." He grins moving closer to me and resting his arms at the back of my waist.

"There is no more to finish."
He is lying.

I put a distance between us to gaze back at his face. One of his hand comes to caress the side of my face sweetly.
"There is no more to finish because the story continues now," He cups my chin again.

"I want to try this again and buy a house for me and you. Remember when I told you I was going to take care of you back when I asked you to move here with me?" I nod my head because I remember that conversation and every moment with him like we lived all of them yesterday.

"Well, this is me doing so. I'm not going to make you live in Inns, resorts, hotels, or what. I'm buying you a house, I'm going to pay for your college tuition fees so you go back to study, I'm buying you food from one Monday to another one, buying clothes, taking you places. Cassandra, I'm coming through with my promise to you please don't deprive me of it?" I started shaking my head the moment he mentioned taking me to college.

I push him away from me so I can get back to my feet, having this conversation suddenly with him in between my legs and so close to me smelling and looking so good like he is, doesn't seem like a good idea anymore.

I shake my head one more time.
"I can't let you do that."
He stops everything and looks at me.
It tickles me and messes me with that I start pacing around.

I shake my head again.
"No, I can't put the burdens of my life at the top of yours, Aaron, no way that is happening, I just can't."
I glance at him when he doesn't say anything back to me.

"Why are you getting silent now? I told you I'm not doing what you want to do."

"I want to hear your reasons first of why you are denying and throwing everything out of consideration." I scoff shaking my head in disbelief.

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