II- encounters

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So far (Y/n)'s first day had gone by smoothly and she could only hope it'd remain this way as she took her first steps inside Bellemont Ballet Academy, the sun shining in her back as if guiding her in.

Her chest swelled with excitement as she took her first steps into the grand hall, heart filled with admiration and fresh determination as she took in the pictures hanging from the walls. Ballerinas she knew for their outstanding grace, beauty and technique. Ballerinas who had always inspired her to pursue her dreams.

She felt like a little girl again, the same little girl that had spent her days dancing with her father and scooting through pictures after pictures of her father's days as a ballet dancer.

This is where she was always meant to be, this was her purpose. She knew it.

All these years of training, all these years of patience and perseverance had led her here. And whilst the road to her dream was still long and paved with hardship, she knew she'd get there someday.

Bellemont Ballet Academy was just another step towards her career and she was more than eager to take in all that this school had to teach her about her favourite art and module of expression.

Much like her, other students crowded the halls, making their way to the theatre where the headmaster was waiting for them with a welcome speech. And although she could have skipped on this formality Mr. Bellemont was apparently very keen on everyone attending.

As expected no familiar face popped from the crowd to greet her. Both a relief and a saddening realisation. She knew she'd be leaving her friends behind when she left her home. She knew she'd find herself alone.

Still, she couldn't find it in her to regret her choice. She had made the right decision.

She followed the influx of students and sat down in the red velvet seats of the theatre, eyes scanning the scene where a man with greying hair and pale blue eyes stood with his feet open and hands crossed behind his back.

Edgar Bellemont. The headmaster of Bellemont Ballet Academy and a former dancer at the Opera de Paris where he had built a steady career with his wife, Lucy Bellemont.

(Y/n) had looked at a few of his performances and knew what he looked like, still seeing him for real was something else entirely. And she didn't know whether to feel inspired or intimidated, or both. Edgar Bellemont was known for being quite the perfectionist, which was saying something in the ballet industry where perfectionism was the norm.

"Welcome everyone, I am sure you already know who I am but introductions are always in good taste: My name is Edgar Bellemont." He said, the faintest of smiles reaching his lips. "Of course you might know me for my ballet career already. But much like you I've once been a student, and I hope that much like me you'll get the most out of the next four years and leave with all the necessary tools to pursue a successful career. I have no need to remind you that the ballet industry is very exigeant and accepts no less than the best. So make sure to work hard."

(Y/n) drunk in his words and before she knew it people around her were standing up, clapping their hands and making their way outside. She followed them again, blending in the maze of faces.

Once again the Sun greeted her upon her exit, gentle warmth caressing her cheeks, the remnants of summer slowly ebbing away to leave room for falling leaves. She always liked this time of the year, the time for a fresh start.

She looked around, some students leaving and some others gathering into groups. One especially, drew her gaze in. Or maybe it was the boy at the centre of it, rather than the group in itself.

He stood a few feet from her, effortlessly drawing the attention of people around him to himself. And upon taking a closer look herself she couldn't blame his public, such beauty ought to be admired.

BROKEN WINGS (m. yanderes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now