XXIII- esme

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Esme stared at (Y/n) from the other side of the studio, a shudder rippling up her spine as (Y/n) laughed at something Adam had said.

'Fucker.' Esme seethed internally, stomach twisting in painful knots as her gaze met Adam's. Disgust coiled in her gut as he shot her a smile and waved his hand at her.

A behaviour that didn't stray far from the texts he'd been sending her since their last interaction. Warm and friendly, just like he'd always been. And like he hadn't almost killed her a few nights ago. Esme had taken it upon herself to ignore all of his texts. Surely he'd get the hint at some point, right? He couldn't be that delusional.

For it took a certain degree of psycho to strangle your best friend after she'd confessed her love to you. It took a whole other degree of psycho to be able to smile and laugh it off as if nothing had happened.

Hell, if Esme didn't have the fresh memory of Adam's hand wrapped around her throat and squeezing the air out of her lungs, she might have believed his friendly smile and let herself be lulled by the idea that their last interaction had just been a nightmare. A figment of her imagination.

Fortunately, the cold fear that coiled around her stomach every time she met Adam's gaze was here to remind her that this hadn't been a dream. Adam had really strangled her.

Hell, she's been a real idiot. Adam's been her best friend for years now, ever since they were kids, how is it she never saw this side of him? How is it she never realised how twisted he was? Had she been so in love with him that she'd unconsciously disregarded his red flags?

From what she could remember Adam had always been sweet and kind towards both her and Aaron, friendly and warm to everyone else and a romantic at heart. Yes he did have his own conceptions of romantic relationships passed on by his mother and father, but he'd never turned violent. Not with anyone, and certainly not with her.

Esme's eyes went back to (Y/n).

She wondered if she should warn (Y/n) about Adam's obsessive feelings for her. If their place had been reversed, Esme knew she would have liked for someone to give her a heads up. But considering how Esme's been behaving with (Y/n) she doubted the girl would welcome her confession with open arms.

No, no matter how many times Esme imagined herself telling (Y/n), she never saw it ending up well for her. Either she ended up dead by Adam's hands or (Y/n) stared at her like she'd grown two heads.

Still, Esme couldn't shake off the guilt that snaked around her heart at the thought of letting (Y/n) grow close to Adam.

'That's none of your business.' A voice whispered in her mind, and Esme would have liked to agree with it. But she couldn't, and she knew she wouldn't be able to live with herself if something happened to (Y/n) because of Adam. Not if Esme had the power to prevent something from happening.

Esme had resented (Y/n), of course she had. But it's not like she hated her or anything. She'd just been jealous of her because of Adam's feelings for her, and also damn insecure after comparing herself to (Y/n) over and over again.

Now Esme couldn't say she resented (Y/n) anymore. If anything she pitied her for the very same thing she'd herself been longing for, being the subject of Adam's affection.

Because, although Esme was in a precarious position when it came to Adam, she knew she'd most likely be fine as long as she stayed the fuck away from him. He'd grow tired of his texts being unanswered at some point, and get the hint. But Esme had a feeling the same couldn't be said for (Y/n).

In Esme's mind, there were just so many ways this situation could go south. Adam was unpredictable and there was no way to tell whether he'd harm (Y/n) if she didn't return his feelings. Which she wouldn't.

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