XLV- way out

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A/N and Q&A announcement: 

Hi guys! Okay so I overestimated how many chapters were left and turns out that this is the last chapter! Thank you again so so much for sticking around and for all your support, it means the world :,) I'll be updating the different endings soon so make sure to stay tuned for that! 

I'll also be hosting a Q&A once all the endings are published! Feel free to leave your questions in the comments if you have any! I'll be delighted to answer them all <3 

Take care and enjoy! 

Julian had lost count of how many days he'd spent waiting in front of Bellemont, trying to catch sight of (Y/n) or any clues that might lead him to her. He had hoped the city cameras would help, and to an extent, they had. He had been able to see where (Y/n) had gone after their fight, and had seen her calling someone. But that was all. The camera system didn't extend to the whole city, and at some point, Julian had lost sight of her.

So there he was, back to square one, grappling at any signs of her he could get. And there weren't many.

He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep on going like this, with no sleep or rest and his every thought consumed by finding (Y/n). But he wouldn't give up. He'd search for her in every corner of this damn earth if he had to.

She wouldn't escape him. He'd make sure of it.

Julian heaved a sigh and combed a hand through his hair. It was a Sunday, so waiting in front of Bellemont probably wouldn't lead him anywhere. Julian had to think of something else, another way to spend his time.

He remembered this coffee shop opened on Sundays, where he had gone to with (Y/n) and Aaron. Maybe a coffee could be a good idea, he was running low on sleep and could use the extra kick.

Julian's feet mechanically led him forward in the direction of (Y/n)'s favourite coffee shop. In the meantime, his mind travelled to the past.

After his conversation with Aaron, Julian had done some research on the guy, to see just who he was dealing with. An only child with a dead mother and an alcoholic father, living in a middle class neighbourhood with some good money issued from his father's former career and inheritances.

But most importantly, Aaron had feelings for (Y/n), this had been clear from Julian's conversation with him.

Julian wondered if this guy knew anything about (Y/n)'s whereabouts, or if he was as miserable as himself at the moment. Though Julian doubted it, no one meant as much to him as (Y/n) did, and he found it hard to believe that anyone could love her as much as he did.

Still, maybe he should give Aaron a shot and find a subtle way to interrogate him. He had seemed quite close with (Y/n) after all, even if a bit of an ass.

BROKEN WINGS (m. yanderes x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang