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(Y/n) anxiously tapped her foot on the floor, sat up straight on her bed as she waited for Aaron to open the door. Unsure whether to be excited or terrified of what this would lead her to.

Excited to finally set foot outside, terrified of finding herself trapped again and unable to flee from Aaron's grasp. A shiver of dread rolled down her spine at the thought of the latter.

(Y/n) exhaled a shaky breath, hands fidgeting on her lap. She had to remember that her chances of escape were much higher if she followed Aaron though. And it's not like she had another plan for a way out anyways. Not with her two captors breathing down her neck.

So in spite of her anxiety, (Y/n) knew she didn't have much of a choice. As of now, Aaron was her only chance at escape. Things should be fine, as long as she made sure to use him and discard him just as soon as she had crossed the door.

She could do this. She had almost escaped him once before when she had first gotten here. She could do it again, and this time with Adam off the grid, she'd certainly succeed.

Hope swelled in (Y/n)'s chest at the prospect of finally tasting the fresh night air, of caressing the gentle sunlight with her fingertips. Of resuming her life where she had left it. Of running away from this nightmare and leaving this all behind her.

(Y/n) couldn't mess up. Whatever happened, she couldn't let this be an occasion for Aaron to take her for himself.

This was her escape, and hers alone.

I can do this. She thought, steeling her nerves as the door to her room clicked open. This was the moment she had been waiting for. Her excitement quickly soured to confusion as she met Edgar's gaze, Adam's father standing by her door instead of Aaron.

(Y/n) stiffened, ready to punch and kick and scream if push came to shove. She didn't know what Adam's father was doing here in her room at such an ungodly hour, but she knew better than to trust him. The man had left her alone with his psychopathic son after all, and no matter how many times Edgar apologised, (Y/n) would never forgive him for turning a blind eye to what she had been enduring right under his roof.

"Leave." (Y/n) warned, shuffling back on her bed to put as much distance between them as possible. Thousands of scenarios running through her mind, each one worse than the last.

Was he here to watch over her for Adam? Would he try to stop her from leaving with Aaron? Worse, was he here to abuse her?

(Y/n) hated how it always came back to this, to her brewing fear of being taken advantage of again. But she couldn't help it, what Simon had done to her would probably stick to her all her life. And now, what Aaron and Adam had done too.

Edgar's features fell with a mix of guilt and sadness as he approached (Y/n) silently, careful not to make a sound. He didn't know where the two boys were, but he had no intention of attracting their attention.

"I know you're angry with me." He whispered. "And you've got every right to be. But I'm here to make amends."

(Y/n) listened intently to Edgar's words, on the edge of her seat as a sound came from downstairs. Aaron was coming to get her and whatever Edgar was here for, he was running out of time.

"He's coming. You should leave." (Y/n) warned, but she knew it was too late for Edgar now. For even if the older man stepped out of her room and tried to leave the house, he'd still cross Aaron's path on his way out. And Aaron was many things, but foolish wasn't one of them.

Edgar probably knew this too, or maybe he had given up on his life, either way, the older man shook his head. "No, no. I'm here to help you." He said, "I want to make things right, (Y/n)."

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