III- partnership

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(Y/n)'s walk to the studio this morning had been pleasant. Spent with the nice beat of her favourite playlist in her ears, the crips scent of fall and the comforting warmth of her favourite drink. The sun had just woken up, peeking at her through the buildings lining the street, its warm rays tickling her awake.

She didn't know anything about her neighbourhood yet but she couldn't wait to see the pavements and roads covered in vibrant red, orange and yellow leaves. She'd certainly have to take a trip around town at some point, and might ask Stella to join. She had a feeling the pink haired girl would like the idea.

(Y/n)'s pleasant morning had been brutally interrupted when she had reached the studio, though. She had been so excited, only for it all to come crashing down when she came face to face with a familiar blond haired male already there, stretching at the barre in front of the mirror.

As was expected from ballet students, (Y/n) had come to the studio a good two hours before the start of the lesson to warm up and get herself ready for class. A form of ballet etiquette her father had been very strict upon and had taught her as a child.

Over her years practising ballet, (Y/n) had learned that this was kind of an unspoken rule for students, to show their commitment and dedication. She had even heard teachers doubting some of her classmates' ambitions and determination to succeed when they failed to put in extra hours in the wee hours of the morning before class.

(Y/n) had been used to being the first to enter the studio, to bathe in its silence and the freedom granted by having the room to herself. Warming up, stretching and practising to the gentle lull of her own thoughts.

Apparently these times were over, and she'd have to get used to sharing.

She stiffened as she met Aaron's sharp gaze in the mirror, his dark eyes shooting daggers as soon as she had crossed the door.

(Y/n) doubted there would be any world in which Aaron would come to appreciate her. And for what? Because he had crashed into her, because he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. Faults which he all but claimed were hers.

In spite of that, she still managed to plaster on a smile and greet him.

"Good morning, Aaron. Hard at work already?" She said as sweetly as she could muster.

She hoped he couldn't taste the animosity in her tone, not that she hated him, although her feelings for him were far from positive. Rather that she in fact felt especially irritated from being robbed of her favourite time of the day, that is to say a time to herself in the studio.

She didn't have to look his way to see his eyes rolling to the back of his head and to hear the large sigh that fell from his lips.

"Just because you have time to spare with pleasantries and chitchat, doesn't mean I do. Now either you take your sweet ass out the door or you shut up and work." He said, a cold smile spreading on his lips.

For a moment (Y/n) thought it was a shame for him to have such a bad character. As now that she took time to look at him Aaron was viciously attractive. His features were sharp, made of ivory, highlighted by long dark lashes and eyes of coal. His blond locks fell just above his brows, softening his features.

If (Y/n) didn't know any better she'd say he looked like an angel of death.

And if his smile hadn't had teeth she would probably have wondered how his lips would feel against hers. They looked especially soft.

(Y/n) decided to humour him.

"You think my ass is... Sweet?" She repeated, unable to hide the shadows of a smirk that pulled at the corners of her mouth. She sat down and sifted through her bag for her ballet slippers.

BROKEN WINGS (m. yanderes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now