XX- heartbreak

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Esme shivered in the cool night air, stuffing her hands deeper in the large pockets of her coat. Her palms were clammy and cold, probably more because of the nerves that came with confessing her feelings to Adam rather than the weather.

She doubted he'd jump in her arms and tell her he loved her back, and the idea of this confession taking a toll on their friendship was weighing heavy on her mind.

Still, in spite of her shuddering heart and the voice in her head advising her to back down, Esme proceeded with her original plan. She stopped a few feet away from her front door, waiting for Adam to take notice and turn around to face her.

Aaron had gone back home and it was only the two of them left now. This was her moment, and she wouldn't let it slip through her fingertips. She wanted Adam to hear her out before she crossed her front door.

Before her courage faded and left place to her usual helplessness.

"Sme?" As predicted, Adam turned towards her, a worried frown etched between his brows. Esme couldn't help but find him cute. Well, then again, she always thought him cute.

She had always loved this side of Adam, the side that was caring and kind hearted. The Adam that never failed to accompany her back home when it was dark outside, the Adam that never failed to ask her if she was okay when he noticed she was off. Sure, the latter didn't happen often, but that was mostly because Adam was awful at noticing people's emotions.

But when Adam picked up on his friends' discomfort he was always quick to fret. He cared a lot. And him always going out of his way to make sure Esme got home safely when it was dark outside in spite of his house being in the opposite direction said a lot about him.

At this moment she didn't know how to do anything other than stare at him and wait for the words to come out on their own. She knew this wouldn't be easy, but she hadn't expected for her voice to desert her.

She cleared her throat, hands balling into fists in her pockets.

"Can I talk to you for a second? And please listen to me." She said, and it took all she had to meet his gaze and hold it.

Adam stared at her silently, brows quirking up in a questioning manner. "O-Okay, but is there something wrong? Is it something I've said or done or-"

"No it's nothing you've done nor said. It's just..." She said, pinching the bridge of her nose. God, this was panning out to be more difficult than she'd intended. And she hadn't even told she was in love with him yet.

Adam continued to ramble on though, fretting over whatever might have caused Esme apparent unrest. He hoped it wasn't the fact he'd invited (Y/n) over for their little get together.

He knew Esme didn't really like his darling, yet. But he was sure she'd learn to love her! Not as much as he did though, that was impossible. Adam didn't think anyone could ever love (Y/n) as much as he did.

"Then is someone bothering you? Or is-"

"I'm in love with you, Adam." Esme finally spat, more cut to the throat than she had intended, but then again it was not like she had planned any of this beforehand.

There was a moment of silence and Esme's heart painfully squeezing in her chest, before Adam slowly blinked and looked at her confusedly.

"But-But I love, (Y/n)..." He said, slowly and unsure of himself. He had expected many things, but this was not one of them.

"I know." Esme sighed heavily, "Please, spare me these kinds of reminders. I just needed you to know." She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

She didn't know what she had been expecting. But part of her had been hoping for Adam to come to the steady realisation that he was in fact in love with her. Or anything more comforting than him repeating what Esme already knew: that she had no chance of him returning her feelings.

"I-" She hesitated, but considering she had already told him she loved him, she thought she might as well empty her load and tell him what had been bothering her all this time. "I just can't bear to listen to you talking about (Y/n) anymore and how much you love her and how perfect she is. I know she's probably great and all, but I just can't."

She prayed Adam would understand and let this go. Alas, Esme couldn't be so lucky.

"But-But (Y/n) is amazing, I don't get why you wouldn't want to get to know her better or-"

"Because I fucking love you, Adam! And it hurts to hear you talking about other girls and how great they are when I'm right in front of you and you don't even see me!" Esme lashed out, frustration bubbling up inside of her, threatening to spill out of her.

She hated it, hated Adam's reaction and how nothing else but (Y/n) seemed to matter. She should have known nothing good would come out of this conversation, that this would feel very much like talking to a wall. But Esme had underestimated how much into (Y/n) Adam truly was.

Adam's features shifted from confusion to pain as Esme's words sunk in. Part of him understood where she was coming from, he'd feel terrible if he had to sit hours upon hours next to (Y/n) as she talked about some other guy who she thought she loved.

But here was the thing, Adam didn't simply think he loved (Y/n), he was sure of it. (Y/n) was made for him and he was made for her. They were destined to be together. Esme just needed to find her own soulmate and then she'd be fine!

Adam was sure his best friend would come to realise that they weren't made for one another and that her love was to be found elsewhere. And then they'd all be friends!

"Sme..." He started, reaching out a hand towards her and gently putting it on her shoulder, "I'm sorry you felt this way. But you have to realise that I'm not the one for you. (Y/n) and I were meant to be, it was written in the stars! And you have someone like this waiting for you too, you just need to find them! And then everything will be-"

"Fucking hell, Adam, she doesn't even love you!" Esme swatted his hand away, looking at him, enraged with his inability to hear a word she was saying.

In her anger, Esme failed to notice the way Adam's usually sweet features darkened.

"She sees you as a dance partner! Nothing more, nothing less! Please she's only known you for-"

"Shut up." Adam's voice cut her off before his hand around her throat did, any traces of sympathy gone from his face. His gaze was colder than Esme had ever seen it.

Esme's hands flew to Adam's wrist, clawing at it to try and pry his hand off of her throat, to no avail. Adam remained unbudging, dark eyes boring into hers as panic rose inside of her.

Adam didn't care for Esme's lack of oxygen, in fact he wasn't even aware of how tight his grip on her was. He only meant to give her a lesson. Adam would never kill his best friend! Even when she said terrible, terrible things to him about (Y/n) not loving him back.

Esme choked and struggled in his grasp, eyes wide with terror as she looked at him. But this was not her friend, this was not the Adam she knew. This was a monster. A complete stranger.

"Never say this kind of thing ever again." Adam said, sadness fleeting through his gaze, and for a moment, he looked like her sweet best friend again, until his next words. "I don't want to hurt you, 'Sme. I just can't have you saying these hurtful things to me behind (Y/n)'s back. I know you're hurting because you think you love me, but that's not an excuse for you to insult (Y/n) and I's relationship."

Adam finally released her and Esme fell to the ground on her knees, coughing and heaving as she brought a trembling hand to her throat. Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes, blurring her vision.

Adam kneeled beside her, placing another comforting hand on her shoulder and offering her a sympathetic gaze that gave her the urge to vomit.

"You'll find your one and only, 'Sme. I know it. But you've got to leave (Y/n) and I alone, now." He said.

And for the first time, she actually felt pity for (Y/n).

One thing was for sure though, Esme's feelings for Adam were definitely dead, far outpowered by her fear of him. 

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