V- warmup

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Much like the previous day, (Y/n)'s morning started with her favourite drink and an early walk to the studio for her first class of the day. Only this time she wasn't surprised to find Aaron already there, silver headphones on his head as he stretched and warmed up for the day ahead.

No words were exchanged between them this time, their sole exchange being a quick glance of acknowledgement. Apparently Aaron still didn't seem keen on socialising. Not that (Y/n) cared either way, she had come to terms with the fact they probably wouldn't ever become friends.

(Y/n) instead focused on herself, plugging her earbuds in with the song she had chosen the night prior for her duo with Adam. The notes flowed through her, guiding her movements and lulling her in a comfortable trance.

That's the thing she loved about dancing. The world around her seemed to disappear, and for just a moment, she could fly away from her troubles, free of all her troubles.

Troubles like her father's text for instance. Which somehow still clung to her mind in spite of her telling herself she didn't care.

So, what if he had sent her a text? That wouldn't mend their broken relationship and wouldn't bend (Y/n)'s will to stay far away from him. No amount of attention he gave her could ever amount for the betrayal she went through. To the knife he had jabbed through her chest when he had chosen to believe his stepson instead of her.

His own blood and flesh.

No, (Y/n) didn't have time nor energy to spare on him. And if he came to regret his action,he might as well choke on his guilt. She wouldn't come back.

"Practising for a plié championship?" Aaron's voice caught her off guard.

She turned around, her eyes meeting dark ones. And (Y/n) was surprised to find the hints of a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, she hadn't thought Aaron capable of smiling or displaying any other emotion than the blank mask he wears everyday.

And although his smile displayed every sign of mocking her, she guessed it was still better than his usual emotionless void.

She raised an eyebrow at him.

"What do you mean?"

He scoffed, like the answer to her question was the most obvious in the world, like she was dumb for asking.

"You've been doing the same goddam plié ever since you came in. So my question was legitimate." He said, "Don't you have anything else to work on? Because if you ask me your-"

"I thought you said no talking." (Y/n) interrupted him, crossing her arms over her chest. He was just starting to get on her nerves and so early in the morning she couldn't say she was the most patient and tolerant person to deal with his arrogant bullshit.

For a moment Aaron didn't say a word. He didn't really know what to say. After all, he did make it clear the day prior that they were not to interact. So (Y/n)'s reaction was fair.

As for what urged him to talk to her in the first place, he himself didn't know. He didn't even know why his attention had been on her in the first place.

She must have done something else that had annoyed him. Or maybe he had been surprised by her silence. He hadn't taken (Y/n) for someone to comply with his orders. Or anyone's for that matter.

"Congrats by the way." She said with a smile, and her words didn't quite register in his mind at first. Until they did. "For the solo? You deserve it."

What caught him even more by surprise though was the fact she had smiled at him. Without a hint of animosity or ill feelings. A simple smile, genuine although small.

BROKEN WINGS (m. yanderes x reader)Where stories live. Discover now