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"Are you ready?" Aaron asked, eyes surveying (Y/n) for any sign of second thoughts as the two of them prepared to escape. Not that Aaron would have given her the choice either way, she was leaving with him.

Thankfully, (Y/n) nodded silently, standing up from her bed with her arms crossed over her chest, determination clear in her gaze. Aaron didn't even need to ask twice. (Y/n) had been ready to leave this hellhole ever since Aaron brought up the idea of them running away from Adam. Only (Y/n) wouldn't only be escaping Adam tonight, she intended on escaping Aaron too. For there was no way she'd leave one prison to be stuck in another.

Aaron didn't need to know that, though.

Smile and obey. Then when he least expects it, run. (Y/n) repeated these words in her head like a mantra. She couldn't let Aaron see through her excitement, not too much at least. For whilst Aaron was a delusional asshole, he was also smart. And if he saw through her plan, it'd be over for her.

Aaron smiled and nodded his head, "Okay, let's go then." He grabbed her hand and meshed their fingers together, leading the two of them out of her room and into the darkness of the house.

The moment they stepped out in the quiet corridor, a cold shiver of awareness rolled down (Y/n)'s spine. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

(Y/n) should have felt relieved at finally leaving the confines of her room and being so close to freedom, hell, she'd been dreaming of this moment for two weeks now. But something about their surroundings, about the darkness and the deafening silence, had all the alarms in her head blaring.

She turned to Aaron, nerves tingling with anxiety. "Are you sure Adam's sleeping?"

Aaron gently squeezed her hand to reassure her, smoothing the skin of her palm with his thumb. "Yes, with the pills I put in his meal he should be asleep long enough for us to make it and reach the next city-"

A shot pierced through the deafening silence, followed by a scream from Aaron.

Aaron stumbled back, hand holding his right side. Panic swelled inside of (Y/n) as blood seeped through his shirt, staining the white fabric red and coating his fingers in a thick crimson. Just at this moment, the stairs creaked behind them, with the weight of someone's steady footsteps.

A sound (Y/n) knew all too well.


(Y/n)'s heart stopped in her chest, too paralysed with fear to make a sound, too paralysed with fear to make a break for the door. And before she could get herself together, a big hand wrapped around her wrist and pulled her back to meet Adam's broad chest.

"I should have known." Adam said, eyes brewing with betrayal and anger as he regarded Aaron. "I should have known that you'd betray me, just like Esme did."

(Y/n) could barely hear what Adam was saying through the deafening rush of blood in her ears and the drum of her own heart in her chest. All her eyes could see was the red soaking Aaron's shirt and the way he desperately clung on the stairs' railing for support.

"A-Adam, it's not what you think." Aaron seethed through heavy breathing, quiet tears gathering at the corners of his eyes. He'd been so close, so close to getting (Y/n) to himself.

His gaze flitted to (Y/n)'s frozen expression, his heart breaking at the sight of her trembling and paralysed in Adam's hold. Aaron couldn't give up now. He had to find a way out of this, for the both of them.

"Stop lying to me!" Adam screamed, tears running down his cheeks as he pointed his gun towards Aaron. "Do you think I'm stupid? That I don't see through your plans? You were trying to take her away from me! To tear us apart!"

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