XXXVII- trapped

439 24 4

(Y/n)'s eyes fluttered open, only for her to be greeted by darkness and a few rays of light filtering in through heavy curtains. A groan escaped her as she sat herself up on the bed. She felt terrible. Her throat and mouth dry, and her head spinning from both dizziness and a mild headache.

She scanned the room through hazy eyes, her stomach twisting into knots as she barely made out the features of a room that wasn't her own.

The last thing (Y/n) remembered was going to Aaron's after her fight with Julian, if one could even call it that. She had told him about what had happened and he had offered to make her favourite drink. And then-

And then nothing.

A realisation that sucked the air out of (Y/n)'s lungs, panic rising inside of her as she made to shove the covers off herself, only to find her wrists tied to the bedspots. A broken cry tore from her throat.

Her heart sank to her core and bile rose up her throat as thoughts of what might have happened rushed through her mind assaulting her like tidal waves. Thoughts of Simon- no, Aaron putting something in her drink. Thoughts of his hands on her skin, groping and taking what he wanted without her consent.

Thoughts of him hovering on top of her.

A cold sweat broke over her skin, uncontrollable shivers wracking through her body as she scanned the room for any signs of discarded clothes, of Aaron. Anything that could attest that something had taken place.

She was still dressed, but this came as little consolation. Simon hadn't bothered taking off her clothes, nor his for that matter.

A sob spilled from her throat, tears blurring her vision as she heaved painful breaths. Torn between terror and betrayal.

What was this? What the fuck was this? Was her discovery about Julian not enough? How bad could this day get? Fucking hell, how bad could her life get? Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-

She had trusted Aaron. She had trusted Julian too.

She had trusted Simon too.

Was this all her fault? Was she just too naive? Was she really condemned to repeating the same cycle over and over again? Was she really that fucking easy to take advantage of?

She wanted to scream. To tear her lungs and rip her voice. She wanted to cry and fill the room to the brim with her tears until nothing else remained but for her to drown in them. She wanted her mom. Fuck she wanted her mom. She wanted her mother's arms around her and she wanted her reassurances that everything would be fine.

(Y/n) doubted it'll ever be the case. The world seemed to take a twisted pleasure in making her suffer over and over again. In mocking her.

The door cracked open and (Y/n) stiffened, pressing her back hard against the wooden headboard and gathering her legs up to her chest. There wasn't much she could do to protect herself, but she wanted to put as much distance as possible between Aaron and herself.

To her surprise though, it wasn't Aaron that greeted her. Or rather, he wasn't the first to enter the room.

"Darling! You're awake!" Adam greeted her with a warm grin, like nothing was wrong. Like she wasn't tied up to a bed against her will and like she had gotten here on her own. Wherever here was.

(Y/n) had a feeling it wouldn't be long until she found out.

She followed Aaron's movements with a glare as he walked over to the windows and opened the curtains, letting the bright light enter the room. Her eyes narrowed and watered at the brutal intrusion. If her headache had been mild before, it was now searing into her skull.

BROKEN WINGS (m. yanderes x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ