XXIX- simon

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The last few days had been a fever dream for (Y/n), and probably her happiest days in a long time.

After their first kiss and their night together, Julian and her had agreed on taking things slow and at her pace. They hadn't really talked about what their new relationship entailed yet, nor had they labelled it, but it was for sure of the romantic kind.

Overall, things were looking brighter than ever and (Y/n) felt like she was finally getting her head above the water, high on happiness and her blooming romance with Julian.

But unfortunately for (Y/n), this was only the calm before the storm.

This morning had been like any other, her and Aaron getting their morning coffee before heading to Bellemont Academy for their first ballet class of the day. They warmed up and talked some before other students, including Adam, filled in the studio and class started.

It's later that day that things had taken a turn for the worst, when class had ended and (Y/n) had stepped out of the studio into the corridors.

From what (Y/n) had heard it wasn't unusual for Bellemont Ballet Academy to collaborate with music students for some projects, so she wasn't surprised when she saw a group of unfamiliar students crowding the halls.

"They're probably here for the annual collaboration." Adam confirmed (Y/n)'s thoughts with a smile. "My father always looks forward to this."

Sometimes it was hard for (Y/n) to remember that Adam was actually the headmaster's son. Maybe it was because Adam was so outgoing and friendly with everyone, or maybe because he never really talked about his parents or his relationship with them.

Though, as (Y/n) scanned the crow and found Edgar Bellemont, it was clear he and Adam were father and son. (Y/n)'s heart uncomfortably squeezed in her chest as Edgar's eyes met hers and Adam's. No smile graced his features. Even as he looked at his own son.

Adam didn't seem too bothered by this though. Maybe this was normal to him. Either way, (Y/n) certainly wasn't in a place to judge Adam's relationship with his father, considering her own situation.

If there was one thing she'd learned the hard way, it was that family matters were rarely simple.

"Say! Do you play any instrument, (Y/n)?" Adam said, turning to her with twinkling eyes, always happy to learn more about his darling.

He wondered if she played piano? Or the violin? Or guitar? Although to Adam no instrument could ever compare to the sweet sound of her voice. He could listen to it for hours without ever getting tired of it.

(Y/n) was about to answer his question before being rudely interrupted by someone bumping into her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to-" The boy started before abruptly coming to a stop, his eyes widening as he looked down at (Y/n). "(Y/n)?"

A voice that (Y/n) knew all too well, and that made her heart plummet to her stomach.

(Y/n)'s own gaze widened, and unlike Simon it wasn't filled with surprise nor confusion, but with pure unbridled fear. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Adam and Aaron.

(Y/n)'s mouth opened to say something but no word came out, her voice had just died in her throat, her feet glued in place as she stared up at Simon.

Just like that day, she remained paralysed and powerless under his gaze.

Aaron stepped between the two of them, a scowl etched between his brows. He had no idea who this man was, but all he needed was a look at (Y/n)'s frozen features to know that he despised his gut. And before he could say anything, Adam was already beating him to it.

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