VII- creeping

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Esme's eyes squinted at the bright screen of her phone as she scrolled down (Y/n)'s social media, a frown creasing her brows.

She felt utterly pathetic. Not only because she had gone so far as to search every cranny of the internet for (Y/n)'s socials but also because she had spent the last hour comparing herself to the (h/c) haired girl.

She paused on a picture of (Y/n) smiling and hugging an older man that bore the same (e/c) eyes as her. The two of them were in what looked to be a dance studio; judging by the bars and mirrors behind them; and (Y/n) was holding a pair of pointe shoes.

This was probably her father, judging by their resemblance.

Esme's heart tightened in her chest as she saw the way pride shone in the man's eyes, the way pure unbridled happiness curved (Y/n)'s lips in a smile.

She wished her parents would look at her this way. Hell, she wished anyone would look at her this way. And not just strangers in a cheering public when she danced on the scene.

She continued to scroll, down and down, the tight ball of envy in her throat only growing as her resentment grew thicker.

Why did Adam always have to crush on girls that weren't her? What did these girls have that she didn't? Esme was talented, pretty, smart and had always been there for him.

So why wasn't she ever enough? Why did Adam have to go and find love anywhere else but by her side?

It wasn't fair. And Esme didn't know how long she'd be able to keep her feelings from bursting out of her chest, the good, the bad and the ugly.

She feared she might lash out at Adam at some point, call his idiotic ass out on how oblivious he always was to her feelings towards him. Because indeed, as much as Esme loved Adam with all her heart, she couldn't say he was the most observant when it came to people around him.

She heaved a sigh, turning off her phone and burying her head in her pillow to muffle the sounds of her wincing heart.

Aaron had been acting weirder and weirder too. And the fact Esme had caught him talking with (Y/n) a fair amount of times didn't do anything to ease her thoughts. Not when Aaron barely ever talked to her when she came to the studio in the morning.

Then again it had always been like this, and Esme knew her friend wasn't much of a conversationalist when he stepped in the studio. Still, the fact he went out of his way to speak with (Y/n) only made Esme that much more insecure.

Her only source of comfort being the idea that this would come to pass at some point, and that Adam's crush on this girl would soon fade away, much like Aaron's interest.

However Esme couldn't be this lucky. For Adam's and Aaron's affection for (Y/n) would grow to be so much worse than she could have ever expected.

 Julian leaned back in his chair, a heavy sigh falling from his lips as he crossed his arms behind his head. He stared at the ceiling, desperate to collect the last remnants of his willpower to concentrate.

He had to hand in this essay tomorrow. And no matter how long he spent hunched over his desk nothing came to his mind. Of course, Julian knew he'd come up with something eventually, his brain had never failed him when it came to his academic prowess.

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