Chapter 9

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My room was lit up with morning light as I jumped around on my bed. I shrieked as Kendra my sister scooped me up and started tickling me. I laughed uncontrollably and she eventually stopped.

"I can't believe my little sister is turning five," she says smiling at me, Kendra has lighter brown hair with a pair of blue eyes she got from our dad.

"Where are mom and dad?" I ask. I hadn't seen them today and they usually would come and say happy birthday to me.

Kendra's smile falters as she says,"Dad and Mom had to go do something today but they will probably be back before midnight, We can still have fun without them though." I nod my head and Kendra starts tickling me again.


I was sitting outside, the autumn air messing up my long brown hair. I was looking out over the town from my balcony. Mom said that I needed to try and understand our town better so that one day if I was queen I would have a better idea of what I was doing. I thought it was a little early since I was only seven years old.

I tried to think about how the town was laid out. First off I noted that our castle was built on a hill making it the most noticeable. The town was laid out so the better looking houses were closer to the castle and the black market was the farthest away. I wrote this all down on the piece of paper I was holding.

I knew that my family ruled because almost a century ago we were found to have magic. Ever since then we would do a big ceremony when someone would come of age were we would test if we had magic. In two years my sister will be going through that ceremony and I couldn't help but be a little nervous for her.

Usually our magic consisted of being able to do certain types of spells like a fire spell or a water spell. You usually would only be able to do at least five spells. The only spell that every one of my family could do though is the rose spell. It made roses from in front of you, it was a harmless spell but one that was useful for the coming of age magic ceremony. I had seen my older brother perform that spell a couple months ago flawlessly. He had been being pampered with gifts ever since, this made me want to grow up faster so that I could be pampered and have my family be proud of me after I performed the spell.


I was standing with my brother and father while my mother gave my sister a wand. She whispered into my sister's ear the incantation for the rose spell. I strained my ears to try and hear the spell but I couldn't make it out.

My mother walked back over to us as we got ready to watch my sister perform her first spell. I saw my sister's lips move as she whispered the spell. I saw Roses burst from my sisters wand but they weren't regular Roses they were... black, almost as if they were dying. I heard my mom gasp and I heard pounding on the front door as townspeople were trying to get a glimpse of my sister's magic. I knew my mom would probably not be opening the doors for them.

My sister stood there lowering the wand she had been using. Her face was pale white. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I felt he slowly relax as she soothingly rubbed my back. I knew that to calm herself down she needed me to be calm and I tried to control my breathing but I couldn't, Kendra was soon ripped away from me. My brother was dragging her away and up the stairs of the castle towards her room.

"Kendra," I said and I tried to run after her but my mom held me back, 'Kendra!"


My sister wasn't allowed out of her room so I usually went into her room to keep her company. It has been almost four years since the incident and I was now thirteen. My sister hasnt left her room since the incident. I could tell being trapped in here for so long has started to get to her head.

I would never mention the incident cause I knew she didn't want to be reminded of it. Black roses were a sine of evil so my family must think my sister is evil, I knew she wasn't though.

I was just laying with my sister now, It was what we usually did. I tried to keep things positive but something felt off today. It felt like my sister was hiding something from me but I pushed it out of my head as I drifted off to sleep in my sister's arms.

My sister woke me up later telling me that I should probably go back to my room which I obeyed wanting to make her happy but before I could leave the room my sister hugged me whispering stuff like, I love you, stay strong, I will always be there for you. I hugged her too and said Love you too and then left to go to my room.

The next day I immediately rushed to my sisters room to say morning to her but when I got there she wasn't anywhere.I looked around thinking that maybe she was hiding from me but there weren't any hiding spots. I started panicking so I rushed down stairs to tell my parents and everyone started searching relentlessly.


It was my seventeenth birthday, I was sitting in my bedroom by myself thinking about my sister. After I had told my family about her disappearance search parties went out to try and find her but they found no trace of her.
My eighteenth birthday was one year away. I remember my sister's last words to me which was: I will always be there for you. I couldn't help but think about where she was for me now. I knew I would need to get over my sister if I wanted to move forward in life, at least that is what my mom told me and I tried, I really tried but the next year when I couldn't even perform the rose spell her face kept flashing through my head.


I'm in a town of some sort, I try looking around but my vision is set straight forward and with a start I notice a body laying off in the distance. I slowly move closer, I try to close my eyes not wanting to see the most likely gruesome sight but I can't.

When I am standing over the body I can barely make out the face cause there is blood splattered everywhere, when I do though I scream.

It's my mother.

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