Chapter 35

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 I decide to put on an outfit that's more sexual and not just a hoodie and leggings. Nothing better than to make Leo upset or more like horny.

I smile as I look at myself in the mirror.

    Cleo's outfit:

  This outfit is one of my favorites so far

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This outfit is one of my favorites so far.

I look over at Avila who is still sleeping and roll my eyes, lazy ass.

When I leave the room I purposely kick the bedroom door closed. Maybe I am being a little mean, do I care though?


I stomp down the stairs and finally I catch sight of Leo who is still talking to Grace. I roll my eyes as I walk towards them.

Leo's back is facing me and I can see that he has changed into a black hoodie and gray sweatpants.

I laugh, he's so underdressed. But if I really think about it I'm probably the one that's overdressed and not Leo.

Grace raises her eyebrows when she sees my outfit. My face flushes red but only for a second, why should I be embarrassed?

Leo turns his head to look at me and his eyes immediately widen. They trail down my body and then come back up to my face. He raises one of his eyebrows and I just brush past him and sit down in the chair next to Grace.

"When are we leaving?" I ask as I glance over at Leo who is still staring at me.

Leos blinks a couple times before clearing his throat,"I was waiting for you."

I roll my eyes,"Of course it's my fault."

"I never said it was anyone's fault,"He pushes out his chair and stands up. "Let's go."

I groan as I get up, why did Leo have to agree to do this stupid job? I muster a fake smile as I wave at Grace. She sends me a concerned look that I ignore.

I follow Leo as we walk towards the door. He grabs my coat that I got yesterday and hands it back to me.

I shake my head,"I don't need it."

He narrows his eyes," You need the coat, look what you're wearing."

"I'll survive."

He turns away from me, basically throwing the coat onto the rack. He opens the door and walks out and he doesn't even bother holding the door open for me.



The second I enter the kitchen I know that this is not going to go well. How can I tell? Well maybe it's because of the smell of burning food wasting through the kitchen or maybe it's the women there standing in the smallest waitress outfit in history.

I thought I had gotten a small outfit but she was literally flashing me. Her head turns away from the food she is working on and towards me. Her eyes stay on me for a second before snapping behind me to Leo.

A flirtatious smile forms on her stupidly ugly face. I force a smile as I try not to walk over and hit her in the face,"Hi." Is all I manage out and her eyes do not move to me but stay on Leo.

"Oh hi! Are you one of the workers Grace said she was sending over today?" She seemed nice enough but I still got a bad vibe from her.

"Yes, I'm Cleo," I gesture to Leo hoping for him to introduce himself.

"Leo," Is all he says and his voice comes off cold and uninterested.

I walk over to one of the cabinets in the kitchen and open it to reveal a stack of waitress uniforms. "If you want to pick a better size that will fit you...better they are here."

She laughs," This is my size." She spins around in her uniform and I hold back a laugh. How ridiculous.

"Are you sure it looks a little...small?"
She waves her hand dismissing me,"I like my clothes like this." Her eyes move back to Leo. "You like it right?" She wiggles her eyebrows and I narrow my eyes.

I am not sticking around for this. I turn away from the scene unfolding in front of me and leave the kitchen.

I look around the customers that are being waited on when I finally spot my three favorite people. I smile, might as well go talk to them.

 I smile, might as well go talk to them

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Writing block has been hitting hard *crys* I managed to get this chapter out for you and I hope you enjoy! 

This story is going to be wrapping up soon and it's kinda sad to think about but also exciting! 

Anyway see you next chapter!!

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