Chapter 22

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  I wake up slowly to see that Leo and Rose are gone. Fear sets in as I get out of bed quickly looking around the room to see no sign of them. I quickly make my way to the door.

Once I'm out the door I see Leo walking up the steps. He looks up at me with no emotion showing in his eyes when he sees me.

"Avila and Gray are down there with Rose," he says.

"Avila and Gray?" I ask, crossing my arms across my chest.

Finally Leo makes it so we are standing face to face except this time it's my turn to look up at him.

"Turns out your parents blew up their house too." I look past him down the stairs but I can't see them. I quickly walk by Leo and basically run down the stairs. I do not trust them with Rose, not for one second.

The second I step down the last step I spot Rose right away. She is giggling as Avila, Gray's girl, tickles her. Gray himself is sitting next to her smiling at Rose as he takes a sip of what I hope is water.

I walk over sensing Leo's presence beside me, Avila looks up at me and her smile slowly disappears. Rose launches herself at me. Her bruises look like they are already starting to heal. I hug Rose glad that she is safe.

"This is my new friend Avila," Rose completely butchers Avila's name but it's adorable. Avila smiles at me and then her eyes land back on Rose. "Doesn't she look like me?"

Rose looks nothing like Avila except that they both have blond hair. Rose clambors out of my arms and back on Avila's lap.

"Nice to actually meet you," I say to Avila.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you. When you came over Gray was being stubborn and said that I had to play the damsel in distress." I looked at her confused. "Me and Gray used to go to the same school." She explains except I'm still confused.

"Oh," is all I can think to say.

"Sorry about drugging you, your father paid us to bring you to Gray's house so he could kill you. Gray accepted but I guess he changed his mind when he saw us. You're lucky they started blowing up our house almost minutes after you left. I guess they were planning on killing all of us."

"They blew up Leo's mansion too, that's why we are here." She looks between me and Leo and then down at Rose who has dozed off.

"Have you guys ever-" She pauses a minute as if trying to find the right word,"did it."

I look at her disgusted," Gods no." I say and Leo and Grays heads both turn toward us, I flush red looking back at Avila.

"He's hot you know, I bet he wants to," She wiggles her eyebrows and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not looking to do anything like that with him."

"Sure." I find myself thinking about it, would I want to? No, I wouldn't, besides why would I want my first time to be with a serial killer.

"Have you?" I ask, the second I do I can see regret flashing in her eyes.

"Yes, a lot of times," I look at her in disbelief, thanks for oversharing.

"Did you...want to."

"Of course I did, Gray would never do anything I didn't want him to do."

"That's a relief," I say but I still see regret in her eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"We used protection every time we did it but..." Oh no, I look at her in shock," I think I might be pregnant." she whispers the last word as if scared that someone will hear.

I'm speechless for a second but I see that Avila is waiting for me to say something.

"Oh my gosh, what are you going to do?" She looks down at her stomach.

"I'm keeping it, I just hope that Gray will let me," She looks over at Gray who is talking with Leo.

"You haven't told him yet?" I ask surprised.

"No, I just, don't know how to say it."

  This chapter idea took me sooooo long to come up with

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  This chapter idea took me sooooo long to come up with.

  Next chapter will have a surprise POV. ;)

  Anyway Im kinda running out of chapter ideas except I do have some kinky sex scenes ready for you *smile wickedly* 

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