Chapter 24

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  His lips were soft against mine as he gently pushed me so I was laying down on the bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down over top of me. He bit my bottom lip and I groaned as he moved his tongue inside my mouth.

I tugged at his shirt wanting it off right this second. He chuckled, breaking the kiss to pull his shirt off. I stared at his toned chest and abs, he smirked at me before bringing his lips right back to mine. I tentatively brought my hands up to his chest running my hands along his abs. I then bring my hands up to his muscular arms.

I can feel Leo gently toying with the bottom of my sweatshirt as if asking me for permission. I try not to feel self conscious as I pull my sweatshirt off breaking the kiss. I tossed the sweatshirt aside as Leo stared at me, his mouth agape. I would have laughed in a normal circumstance but now I feel too nervous to laugh. Im am wearing a black bra, it's not fancy or anything. I bring my arms up about to cover myself but Leo stops me pinning my arms to the bed.

"You're beautiful," He mumbles as he starts kissing along my jaw. I feel a little more confident as Leo continues to kiss down to the hollow spot where he left the hickey last time. I guess he plans on leaving another one as he bites the skin ever so gently and then lightly sucks on the spot.

I almost want to push him off not wanting to have a mark there for any longer but I don't. He seems satisfied with that spot because he continues down my shoulder and to my breast. I suck in a breath as Leo looks up at me and I know he's asking for permission, I tentatively nod my head.

Bang! Leo shoots up and I follow soot, Bang! I search around the floor for my sweatshirt and Leo hands it to me and then he pulls on his shirt.

"What is that?" I ask, it doesn't sound like the explosions at Leo's house it sounds more like...

"Gunshots," Leo says as he walks towards the door and I follow suit. As we open the door I notice that the bar is eerily silent. We rush down the stairs to see that there is know one at the bar except for my...father. I slow down my steps as I cautiously walk towards him, Leo trails behind me.

My father looks to be drinking some sort of beer maybe, he turns his head to look at us and that's when I realize with a terrifying jolt in my stomach that Rose is sitting on his lap.

"Nice of you to finally join us," He says, taking another sip from his drink before throwing it at the wall opposite him. Rose looks to be unconscious as she doesnt stir when the glass shatters.

"Let her go," I say, taking another tentative step towards him. I look around wondering what happened to Gray and Avila.

"We could do a trade," My father states, completely turning towards us. "You for both of them." He makes a movement with his hand and Avila is dragged in by a guard.

"I'm so sorry, Cleo," she says and I can see tears brimming in her eyes.

"It wasn't your fault," I say reassuringly, I know what I have to do, my father is basically telling me he will give me three lives in exchange for my own.

"Do we have deal?" I nod my head taking a step forward but Leo grabs my arm stopping me. I turn to look at him. His expression is unreadable as always, I hate it, why can't he show at least a sliver of emotion for once.

"No Cleo, don't do this," Leo says, gripping my arm tightly.

"Leo, just let me do this, I have to. Do you want them to freaking die?"


"Let me go," I say, not letting him finish, I'll miss Leo, I'll miss his comfort and his protectiveness. I'll miss him. To my surprise he lets me go and I immediately turn away from him.

"That's my daughter," I glare at my father with all the hate I can muster. My father gives Rose to Avila and the guard pushes her away and Avila stumbles forward before regaining her balance. She spares me a look of gratitude and then it all falls apart. The little moment of calm falls away when a knife flies Roses way and pierces her little frame right through her chest.

"No!" I scream rushing over to Avila who is standing there in shock. I grab Rose out of her arms as tears slip out of my eyes. I don't know what to do, should I pull the knife out?

I hear the laughs of my father from behind me but I don't care, I need to help Rose.

"She's gone Cleo," Leo says from behind me, No,No,No this is all my fault I should have never brought her with us.

I hear the knife whistling through the air and I dodge just in time. I hand Rose over to Avila grabbing the knife out of the wall behind me.

"Why would you do that?" I asked my father,"Why would you kill a child?" He just laughs standing up and walking closer to me. More tears fall out of my eyes, as my body racks with sobs.

"Because, I knew it would hurt you the most," I stare at him in disbelief, my own father, the person that raised me. I swing the knife at him and he dodges but by inches. I swing again and again, missing every time.

"Who knew that you were so bad with a knife?" He says tauntingly as he takes another knife out of his waistband. He swings it at me and knicks my left shoulder. I wince but keep swinging, he does too and I end up with a deep cut on my thigh and a thin cut on my face.

I swing again and this time it hits the target, his chest. I stumble back as he looks at me in horror before crumpling to the floor. My dad is dead, and I killed him.

 My dad is dead, and I killed him

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  Well that escalated quickly... The reason I made this so undramatic is because I know a lot of you probably just came here for the romance. 

  Yes I'm looking at you!

  I was crying when I wrote about Rose's death...

  Anyway! Stick around for the next update! 

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