Chapter 13

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♦Trigger Warning♦: Violence and mentions of suicide 

I watched out the one window in this stupid room. It was raining, occasionally lightning would strike and then it would thunder and I would almost feel it shake the bed. I tried to guess the exact moment the lightning would strike to keep myself from falling into the endless pit of boredom.

Leo hasn't come back yet and part of me wonders if he just had decided to leave. At first it would sound like a good thing but not when I was right in the middle of a town that looked like murder was an everyday thing.

Sometimes I would hear footsteps coming towards the room but they would always pass. I looked out the window again making my guess when the lightning would strike. Now! Just as I thought that the sky flashed and I smiled to myself. That was the first time I had actually guessed right.

I was trying to keep my mind off Beth, she had wanted me to live even when I hadn't even been that nice to her. Her kind eyes had always made me think of my sister and I hated it. Why did she have to die because of me? Why did Leo have to save me and not her?

A single tear slipped out of my eye as my thoughts transitioned to my sister. She had always wanted me to live my best life even when she was living her worst. I wish that she would have told me that she was running away so I could have said an actual goodbye.

I had slowly started to accept that my sister was dead when they couldn't find any trace of her anywhere. She had some magic but my parents had told me that her magic was a curse not a blessing. I had tried to believe my parents but now I do realize how evil they actually were.

Now that my Mom is dead there is one less evil life in the world. Yes, she is still my Mom but she was never really kind to me or my sister. She had always favored my older brother who had inherited the "right" family magic.

My brother had never been nice to me or my sister either and he barely ever showed emotion like my father. He was the one that had dragged me and my sister to our rooms after all. The only remotely good memory I had of my brother was when he had been instructed to play with me when My mom, father, and sister had to go walk through the village just to make an appearance so that people could still know that we were even alive.

He had been smiling while we had played hide and seek but the second my parents got home the smile immediately dropped and his stone cold face returned.

My parents had never called him by his name, which was Axel. They always called him son or prince which is probably why I only really think of him as brother. I don't know why my parents did that, probably since they thought names made you emotionally attached to someone.

I heard footsteps coming towards our room but they eventually passed and I started to worry a little that Leo had actually left me. Had the kiss really been that bad? It had been my first real kiss besides the one boy that had ran up to me when I had been walking through the town with my family. He had been tortured and I wasn't even sure if he had survived. I was never allowed to watch anything violent but who was I to complain.The bad part was that Kendra and Axle were always forced to sit through it and it always made my sister gloomy for the next couple days.

I slowly laid back in the bed,and pulled the rough cover over my body. I could feel little gusts of air coming from the small cracks in the window making me shiver. The cover really didn't help at all.

I closed my eyes and immediately I fell asleep, my family's faces flashing through my mind.


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