Chapter 49

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After the plane landed, stepping out of the airport, they immediately spotted a bus adorned with a banner that read, "Warm Welcome to the Prize-Winning Students Returning to Campus! — Baihua University."

The bus was positioned conspicuously, its banner bright and eye-catching. Passersby couldn't help but glance at it, making it a true attention-grabber.

The group: "......"

Qi Ye, having been frustrated throughout the journey for missing out on first place once again, couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eyes, "Is this Birch University's welcome ceremony?"

They boarded the bus with a low profile, and with each person that got on, the driver enthusiastically set off a party popper for them.

Jiang Luo, covered in sparkling confetti, sat by the window with an expressionless face.

Qi Ye sat next to him, busying himself with the scraps of paper on his clothes. Once done, he looked up at Jiang Luo's head, feeling a slight itch in his palm, "You still have pieces of paper in your hair."

Jiang Luo ran his fingers through his hair, causing the paper scraps to fall, "Are there still any?"

Qi Ye shook his head, his gaze drawn to a strand of white hair beside Jiang Luo's ear. He couldn't help but ask, "Did you dye this strand of white hair on purpose?"

It was then Jiang Luo remembered the issue with this strand of hair. He gave a forced smile and glanced at the glass window, where the reflection of a young man with black hair showed that very strand of white hair conspicuously, "I'll find a chance to dye it back in the next few days."

Qi Ye awkwardly commented, "It looks pretty good like this."

However, Jiang Luo disliked it. That strand of white hair was like a brand left on him by Chi You, a reminder of the demon. He had been deliberately ignoring this strand of hair, but Qi Ye's mention of it brought back those memories.

No matter how much he tried to ignore it, he couldn't hide its existence. Unable to cut it, he decided to dye it back.

Qi Ye changed the subject, "Did you know? You're quite famous in the metaphysical community now."

Jiang Luo raised an eyebrow, "How so?"

Qi Ye's expression was complex. Before boarding the plane, a judge from the Qi family had called him over, hinting that he should foster a good relationship with Jiang Luo. It would be even better if they could get Jiang Luo to work for the Qi family in the future.

However, Jiang Luo was a disciple of Feng Li, already representing the Celestial Masters Mansion. Despite Qi Ye's difficult nature, his principles and bottom lines were decidedly high.

In recent years, the Qi family had kept a low profile on the surface but had become increasingly bold and reckless in their actions. Now, they even dared to poach a disciple of the Celestial Master. What exactly were they trying to accomplish?

He vaguely advised, "A lot of people want to meet you, and among these people, there are good and bad ones. Don't just believe whatever anyone tells you."

Jiang Luo couldn't help but wonder if Qi Ye saw him as a fool, "In this regard, I think I'm much smarter than you."

Qi Ye was speechless.

Annoyed and embarrassed, he retorted, "Forget it, I won't discuss this with you anymore. Meet whoever you want to meet."

After saying that, he pulled down his hat, leaned back, and sulked with his lips tightly pursed.

Jiang Luo shrugged. A pink toy doll's face peeked out from the back seat, and Ye Xun also looked over, "Jiang Luo, are you going back to stay at school tonight?"

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