Chapter 165

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Chi You hadn't given up tempting him.

Jiang Luo, filled with rage, chuckled in response. He swatted away Chi You's hand encircling his arm and walked to the side, saying, "Chi You, my companions are all dead."

He laughed unpleasantly, "If dreams like this become reality, my friends wouldn't stand a chance."

"Why you wanted me to have this dream, I understand now," Jiang Luo's eyes deep in shadow, Chi You saw a bright and dangerous fire flickering in them, a suppressed and impending rage, "You're trying to recruit me, and also warning me."

The demon contemplating pursuing Jiang Luo paused for a moment, "Explain."

"You want to deal with the chosen one," Jiang Luo said, "I agreed to cooperate with you, but you don't trust me. So, in this way, you're showing me how strong you are, how well your power aligns with my intentions in this world infested with monsters."

He continued, "But at the same time, you've dragged my companions into the dream, making each one of them die in my dreams. It's a warning, isn't it? Otherwise, you could easily let them die without involving me."

The demon fell silent.

His posture was straight, hands tucked into his suit pants, looking thoughtfully at Jiang Luo.

He wasn't warning Jiang Luo; he was warning others.

Jiang Luo belonged to him, and anyone trying to get close to him would face dire consequences.

Yet, what puzzled him more at this moment was, "You're very angry."

"Yes, I am very angry," Jiang Luo admitted sharply. The fire in his eyes grew more intense, the images of each companion's death, from Ge Zhu's head to Ye Xun's lifeless body, intertwined in his mind. "I am extremely, extremely angry."

He emphasized each word.

The demon frowned; his handsome face darkened with a subtle irritation rising from his brows and eyes. He clearly didn't understand why Jiang Luo was upset.

"What are you angry about?"

He thought Jiang Luo would appreciate this world.

"Chi You, I don't want to kill you, and it's not easy to kill you," Jiang Luo said calmly, "Everyone seems to want me to kill you. The chosen one told me that if I killed you, I would become a powerful pseudo-god."

The demon's expression turned blank, and behind him, the black mist carried a fierce and twisted anger.

"But I won't kill you, and I don't want the world to turn into this," Jiang Luo smirked, "This world is the world after five years in reality. In just five short years, there are so many demons. I don't know how many ghost subordinates you have, and I don't know if you've emptied the ghost city. But I know your thoughts won't change easily, so there's only one way to make you behave."

The black-haired youth raised his hand, "That's to give you a good beating until you give up this idea."

The demon felt like he had misheard, unable to contain a chuckle, "What?"

Suddenly changing the topic, Jiang Luo asked, "Do you know about spirit communication?"

Without waiting for Chi You to answer, Jiang Luo continued, "All things have spirits, everything can be communicated with, and dreams, of course, have spirits. I didn't know what to choose for spirit communication originally, but thanks to those lines you wrote in the elevator, I had a brilliant idea."

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