Chapter 197

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Below the coffin, there was another space where Jiang Luo and the Chosen One rapidly fell. During the fall, Jiang Luo clutched the Chosen One tightly beneath him, using him as a cushion.

Unexpectedly, the Chosen One did not struggle.

With a loud thud, they hit the ground.

The space was about ten meters high, and even with a human cushion, Jiang Luo felt a significant impact. He was dazed and staggered to his feet from atop the Chosen One, rubbing his forehead. Looking down, he saw the Chosen One's body was already bleeding profusely and had stopped breathing.

He was dead.

But Jiang Luo knew that this person would come back to life soon.

Facing someone who died and came back to life repeatedly, Jiang Luo knew that stabbing him a few more times now would be futile. Suppressing his urge to kill, he observed the environment around him.

The place was a stone cave, and they had fallen from a dark hole in the ceiling. Stalactites densely covered both sides of the hole, with water slowly dripping from them into a cloudy, milky pool below.

Upon seeing the water in the pool, two words flashed through Jiang Luo's mind: Dragon Spring.

His intuition told him that this was the Dragon Spring.

Without hesitation, Jiang Luo pulled off his backpack, took out a water bottle from the side pocket, and walked to the edge of the pool to fill up the bottle. Just as he was about to screw on the cap, someone asked with a smile, "Is that little bit enough for you?"

Turning around, Jiang Luo saw the Chosen One, who had somehow come back to life. He was standing so close behind Jiang Luo that a slight raise of his hand would touch him. Looking at the water bottle in his hand, the Chosen One kindly pointed out, "That's not enough for what you need."

Jiang Luo coldly replied, "You needn't worry about that, Chosen One."

The Chosen One sighed, "If I don't help you, you're going to die."

Jiang Luo sneered and stood up, screwing the cap back on. But suddenly, the Chosen One reached out and lightly pushed him.

Instinctively, Jiang Luo stumbled backward, but at the crucial moment, he managed to grasp the Chosen One's arm. Behind him was the Dragon Spring, and Jiang Luo, sweating from his forehead, said, "Chosen One, what are you doing?"

Daoist Wei He had said that the power of the Dragon Spring was immense, and when using it, it could only be diluted. Moreover, when using the Dragon Spring, all powers within the body would be suppressed to prevent any turmoil during the body's tempering process.

This was a point Daoist Wei He had repeatedly emphasized. Even the Chosen One had never soaked in the pure Dragon Spring; pushing Jiang Luo into it now was tantamount to murder.

The Chosen One said gently, "I just want to save you."

Jiang Luo did not believe a single word of him, holding on tightly to the Chosen One's hand to maintain balance. Unexpectedly, the Chosen One also gripped his wrist in return. However, in the next moment, the Chosen One raised his other hand and gently removed the Yin-Yang ring from Jiang Luo's wrist.

He casually threw the Yin-Yang ring into the pool water, and after pausing for three seconds, the Chosen One gradually released Jiang Luo's hand.

Jiang Luo fell heavily into the pool water.

Instantly, the water began to boil, with a few droplets splashing onto the Chosen One's hand, causing a burning sensation. The Chosen One, with an unchanged expression, lowered his eyes to watch Jiang Luo struggle in the water.

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