Chapter 133

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"Spare my life, don't kill me, I beg you—"

"Ah! Ghosts!"

The helpless child cried in the sea of flames.

"Dad, Mom, I'm scared..."


Desperate cries echoed throughout Bujiu City.

Jiang Luo watched for a while, then shifted his gaze to the ground.

The young master of the Chi family stumbled out of the house, constantly looking up at them as he chased.

The cold wind was biting, sparks flew past Jiang Luo. He locked eyes with Chi You, watching Chi You's once handsome face gradually contort, observing his pitch-black eyes tainted with madness.

Jiang Luo silently watched as Chi You, separated by what seemed like a short distance in the dark night, met his gaze.

Chi You reached out, black mist spreading from him, rapidly soaring towards the sky. But before it could reach Jiang Luo, it reached its limit, unable to ascend any further.

The young man's arm trembled, staring fixedly at Jiang Luo, chasing him on the ground, stepping over stones, ruins, blood, and corpses.

Jiang Luo was too far away to hear Chi You's voice over the wind, but he understood Chi You's lip movements.

"Don't leave..."


The entire world was collapsing, the shard of sky falling next to Jiang Luo vanished. Held by the malicious spirit, he drew closer to the torn sky's black hole.

Yet, he kept watching Chi You.

Memories flashed rapidly in his mind, from the youth in the bridal chamber to the dumpling stall, then to yesterday when he stood accused among the crowd, the wretched figure cursed and backfired upon.

The just-arisen anger and killing intent suddenly became complicated, an indescribable taste.

Clearly, the image of the young Chi You in the mirror was a false existence, but occasionally, Jiang Luo felt he was all too real.

The young Chi You in the mirror is undeniably a fabricated existence, yet occasionally, Jiang Luo feels he is excessively real.

He and the malevolent spirit are one, and this sensation repeatedly assails Jiang Luo's mind.

So, this is how Chi You looked in his childhood.

Jiang Luo doesn't like others to know his past, what he has been through. But Chi You has seen his impurity, and he has seen Chi You's impurity. They owe each other nothing, allowing them to no longer care.

The demonic figure portrayed in the book, hypocritical and ruthless, had this kind of personality and appearance during his unfamiliar adolescence.

It's as if the malevolent spirit has come to life.

Chi You chased from the Chi family to the blood-stained streets, amidst wandering ghosts and the frantic escape of humans. His eyes firmly locked onto Jiang Luo; the two figures moved farther away from him. Chi You's shoes were stained with dirt, his clothes soaked with blood, and singed by flames.

His eyes stung, yet he remained motionless, not averting his gaze for a moment.

How could this be?

How could Jiang Luo be leaving before he could find the cause of these inexplicable emotions?

The ceiling beam was engulfed by the fire snake, crashing heavily in front of Chi You.

Caught off guard, Chi You stumbled over the fallen beam, unexpectedly kneeling on the ground.

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