45. Cheated!

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I was left utterly speechless when those bitter words slipped out of my father's tongue. The way he called out Jay stinged my heart badly. I looked at him with narrowed eyes and took a step forward before speaking in a louder voice.

"Do not talk about him this way. His mother fell in love with that man and they got married before they went out of the country."

My father scoffed again not buying my words and tore the newspaper right in front of my face. Only I knew how much my heart was broke watching that scene.
Bhai again stepped forward and tried to take the newspaper back from Mr. Abhishek Singhania.

"Papa..stop, kya kar rahe hain aap?"

Bhai spoke calmy in a hope to put some sense back into our father but he was just not ready to listen to anyone. He pushed Bhai away and threw the pieces of newspaper back on the ground before stepping on it with his dirty shoes. If this isn't the most heart wrecking moment of my life then I Don't know what would be...

A low gasp escaped my lips as warm tears streamed down my cheeks uncontrollably yet I stood there maintaining a stoic expression. Slowly, I looked up at my father with a sad smile and spoke, my voice breaking as I let out the next words.

"You can't see me happy If It is from something you don't support..right papa?"

His eyes widen if as I said the most degrading words but I knew I wasn't fully wrong. He wanted me to be happy, super duper happy...BUT only when that happiness comes from following his wishes and demands. He moved his hand in a swift motion and threw a vase across the room.

I could feel my heart breaking into pieces as that vase was smashed against the wall breaking the same way too. I have never seen him this angry and it was actually starting to scare me now. Maa covered her ears tightly by her hands at the loud sound. She was crying, I don't know for what or for whom. The only thing I was sure of was that she will not go against her husband.

I chuckled bitterly and attempted to walk away from the fight but was stopped midway when my father held my arm harshly turning me back around. I whinced at the his tight hold but he was too blinded by his anger to see me hurting. Bhai stepped in and tried to get me out of his hold while shouting.

"Stop it papa!! What are you doing??"

"Veer get away, I am not done talking to my daughter."

He yelled and left my arm harshly making me take a few steps back. I gripped my hair in frustration as the urge to scream like a mad man was too much but I somehow composed myself and looked at my father before speaking bluntly.

"Fine, say it let's hear what more you can say.."

He rubbed his temple and let out a rough sigh before walking back to the couch. Placing himself back on it, he gestured me to join. I closed my eyes for a second and finally sat down on the couch. He looked at maa and bhai and amnouced.

"I want to talk to my daughter alone."

"But-" bhai tried to protest but I cut him off saying that it's fine, he looked at me feeling helpless before walking out of the living room followed by maa. I let out a long sigh before speaking.

"Say it now."

"Look Princess, I just want the best for you. Breakup with him, I will find you a better man who is suitable for you..listen to your father dear."

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