1 · Tiny Little Friend

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It was nearly impossible to dig in stone, I figured that out the hard way. But it was all worth it in my opinion, putting a loved one to rest had to be special. And for Dauren, that meant burying her next to her favorite being of the sky. Sophrona.

I now laid against the rib cage of the giant creature, my dragon eggs say beside me in a pile of snow. I was exhausted. Being partly blind and finding your way through the mountains in a snow storm was hard, especially when you're dragging your dead mother behind you in a bear skin.

I didn't want to look back on the memories yet, I would save that for a different time, for when my grief caught up with me. For now, I was going to rest in my pelts and furs with my dragon eggs and my mother, and her dragon. The cold air in the cave nipped at my nose, I yanked the wolf fur up and covered the bottom half of my face.

I flinched and looked down at the snow next to me to the sound of what I thought was ice cracking. To my surprise, I saw flakes off frost and eggshell crumble off of the larger egg. My eyes widened as I tried to focus my weak eye sight.

I scrambled to my knees and leaned down, placing a wary hand on the shell. Small coos escaped from the pale white inside, despite there being a hole, I couldn't see a baby dragon inside.

I picked up the egg hesitantly and tilted it toward me, I immediately smiled at the sight before me and the temperature was no longer a worry. I had a baby dragon. A tiny little friend.

The dragon was quite small considering the size of the egg, she had an iridescent sort of glow on her pearly white body with light pink skin in the wedges of her wings, mouth, and eyes. She shimmied out of the egg and made her perch on my wrist.

She coughed a little and a plume of frosty air came out of her mouth. I was in shock, in pure awe that I was now in possession of this magical creature. "Hello," I whispered, earning a bird like screech from her. "What should I name you?" I thought out loud.

My eyes flicked to the giant snakey rib cage behind me and thought of Sophrona, I don't want to name her directly after her mother, maybe a more subtle name that related to her in some way. Her eyes glimmered a shiny blue and I made my decision, she would be called Sapphira.

"My sapphire." I said and lifted her to my chest, Sapphira clinged instantly to the fur coat and climbed onto my shoulder. "Now what to do about you." I sighed and picked up the small egg as I stood to my feet.

Short Chapter 491 w/c

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