7 · No Silver Tonguing

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Italics: High Valyrian (language of the dragons)

"And you are my first cousin, once removed, correct?" I ask with creased brows, he nods. "And Dauren was my aunt, partially, and due to King Jaehaerys recklessness with his whores."

"Watch your tongue cousin," I say quickly, not taking light of any insult to my partial aunt. He scoffs, lightly shaking his head. "What do you care anyway, she's but an old hag who grew you up in this frozen wasteland," he gestures his arms to the many lots of empty, barren land.

"That old hag was the only family I knew when I was cast aside by my mother." I bit my tongue as I finished my sentence, lucky for me the cold air kept the tears at bay. He was quiet again, returning his attention to Caraxes, as if I was boring him. "And what of earlier, when you said I would not be staying here?" I inquired.

"You have the blood of the dragon, you have a very small claim to the Iron Throne, and maybe even Drift Mark." He spoke like I knew whatever Drift Mark was, to me it sounded like some puny, useless piece of wood. "What are my options in King's Landing having Targaryen blood then?"

"Targaryen blood is very much valued in King's Landing, even though you don't have full legitimacy to the throne you would be given a fair home, some money, a guard, and even a home and trainers for Draco and Sapphira."

"But I am their trainer, their mother, my home is their home." I reply and step forward. "Am I to expect them to be kept away from me night and day? Shall I only see them on holidays?" I ask ridiculously. He tucks his arms behind his back and lifts his chin, he looks me up and down unabashedly.

"You bring forth a good statement, despite being offered riches, you value your time with your dragons. Like a true Targaryen." His voice holds admiration, along with his expression which no longer shows boredom or resentment. "I am a Deuland. Like my mother." My voice returns to slight anger.

"Your mother would be a Targaryen if she took my advice and returned, and sorry but she's not your mother. I happen to be very close with your real mother." I roll my eyes. "The woman who abandoned me is not one that I call mother."

"I can stand here in this cold weather all day and listen to you bitch on, but my dragon has warm blood, and the more I see your pretty mouth go to waste talking, the more I want to put it to good use." He says with an even tone and fixed eyes.

My cheeks grow red and I cross my arms, I look at Draco next to me, who is growing impatient and dragging his claws in the snow. "You sure have an excellent way of getting women to shut up don't you." I say and then fix my stare at his slightly blurry face.

I quickly blink and hold my eyes shut for a moment, this method always works whenever my eyes have an episode and choose to make me mad. I opened them again, the problem being still not fixed, I chose to ignore it. He looks at me with a raised brow.

"Those pretty eyes don't hurt you at all do they? Being so blue, shaky and all," he asks and tilts his head, he steps closer and looks down at me. I curse under my breath and turn my head away from him. "You do know in King's Landing we carry remedies for albinism blindness?"

A possible aid to my sensitive eyes, all the way in King's Landing, how convenient. All the more reason to leave, but to leave behind so much dedication, and hard work. My entire childhood and teenage years. I looked up at him and narrowed my eyes. "Are you trying to silver tongue me into bringing my dragons to your King?"

He smirks, letting out a small laugh. "I assure you riñītos, I use my tongue for other talents." Daemon was good at silver tonguing his way out of being accused of silver tongue.

Riñītos: little girl


"Do you wish to know what else you will receive in King's Landing, princess?" Daemon asks as he adjusts some straps around Caraxes' shoulders. "What, cousin?" I replied with a sigh, I climbed onto Sapphira's shoulders.

I stopped riding Draco due to his lack of listening skills, while training his understanding of "obey" "left" "calm", he took me so far into the barren land and left me there after throwing me off. Stubborn as a mule but loyal as a dog. "A saddle, so you don't have spikes digging in your ass." He laughs and pulls himself into the saddle on Caraxes.

"This is going to be your longest flight ever." He says and then pulls a reign on his dragon, Caraxes turns his long neck and then gallops into the sky, I follow quickly after, a sort of sinking feeling rests in the bottom of my gut. Was I making the right decision?

Medium Chapter 880 w/c

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