6 · The Legend Of Sophrona

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· Entire chapter is Daemon speaking ·

Dauren Deuland lived with her parents in a northern settlement, right here on homestead. They were a proud community of about three hundred people, all centered around family.

She had many friends and they often went exploring in the mountains together, only ten years old, this group of girls came across a sleeping Dragon. A dragon of the North.

Her friends immediately crept closer and made balls of snow and ice, too innocent to know the dangers of an aggravated dragon. The sleeping Dragon was called Aemaryn, beloved by the town for supposedly bringing good fortune upon their livestock once every winter.

Aemaryn woke up, and he was furious. Everyone knew there were dragons that dated back to the first men, but Aemaryn was said to be so ancient, that he witnessed the first men's arrival when he was well into his adult years.

He was bigger than Balerion, the greatest Targaryen dragon to ever have lived. But no one could tame the dragons of the North. Aemaryn shook the earth so roughly, he caused ten mountain snow falls that day and two earth shakes.

He was so big and old that the miniscule girls didn't even register in his eyesight, but they were terrified that he could see them, so they ran home. Dauren says she lost her best friend in the mountains, a snow fall fell directly on top of them, she managed to pull her and her friend out.

But when she looked to see her best friend who was holding her hand the entire time, she only saw a dismembered arm.

By the time she got home, half that village was on fire, including her home. She didn't hesitate to run inside, the flames stuck to her body as she ran through her crumbling home, all while listening to the screams of her mother and father.

She held them until all that was left was ash, that's when she knew something was different about her. No flame had burnt her, no dragon had harmed her, death could not take her.

When she stepped out of the ashes of her home, she was faced with the most terrible sight, her entire town, reduced to dust. Bones, everywhere. And up in the sky, two ancient beings fought.

Sophrona killed Aemaryn that night, she was covered in so much of his blood that Dauren couldn't tell if it was her natural color or not. They were inseparable for thirty more years. During that time, Dauren rebuilt her homestead, right where it was before.

First, she flew over the mountains, searching for any other ancient dragons that might be sleeping. But one day, when they were flying and about to reach a new distance, Sophrona turned around, when there were still many mountains and caves to explore.

Dauren did not have anger for the Dragon, she understood that Sophrona could be protecting her kind. Deuland began to feel sadness for her, she wondered if she left her whole family just to be with some fireproof little girl. She was mad at herself, she told Sophrona to leave, and to never come back.

For a whole year, Sophrona was gone, but Dauren always heard her song. She couldn't take it anymore, she fled to the mountains and reunited with her. She left the homestead and flew south, she found King's Landing and met my father, Baelon, also her brother.

Her Father, Jaehaerys, slept with a whore. She became pregnant and fled to the North to be with her original family for support in raising Dauren. That's why she took you in, she understood what it was like to be the bastard of a royal.

Princess Rhaenys was close with her bastard cousin, they communicated through letters often, and she gave you up to her.

Dauren left Kings Landing many years later after some rumors grew about dragons with multi-tempered blood, Sophrona, supposedly the children of the gods sent down to show us their grace and power.

Dauren was called a Goddess if she was able to ride Sophrona, but she didn't want that blasphemy, so she came back to her homestead. She told the old Sophrona to leave, and to be with her family.

Dauren was devoted to living a peaceful life on the land that she grew up in, and eventually was able to start her own family with her brother's granddaughter.

Medium Chapter 738 w/c

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