3 · The First Ride

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I always hated when the new year came around, all it meant was another freezing winter that will be worse than the last. I guess it's a good thing my dragons thrive in the cold. They're having the time of their life right now.

Draco had finally caught up in size to Sapphira, he was even slightly bigger. I was buried in my fur coats, sitting in the snow and watching the two flying in the sky. It was hard to distinguish the dragons from the white skydive to how pale they were, and how bad my eyes were. At least they weren't getting worse.

They screeched and twisted their large bodies, ever since they discovered how endless the sky was, they seemed to go higher and higher every day. Sapphira understands dracarys now, and Draco understood his first five months. But he couldn't shoot ice like Sapphira, that was just her.

I brought my fingers to my lips and whistles loudly, Draco's head twitched in my direction and he dove down and landed heavily on the ground, causing a cloud of snow to erupt from the ground. His sister landed next to him.

I stood up and put my hand on Draco's nose. They were almost seven feet tall when they stood regularly, and from snout to tail tip they were about ten feet long, it's been about two years since Draco hatched. He huffed out of his nose and blinked slowly.

He nudged me roughly and lowered his head. "What?" I say and he nudged me again, his wings spread and laid flat on the ground. "You want me to get on?" I ask incredulously, Sapphira snorts and looks down at her claws, as if she was growing impatient.

"Fine," I sigh and walk around his neck, he was big enough for me to sit comfortably and for him to fly easily with me on his back, oh shit. Fly. I hesitate for a moment, my hands holding onto his spikes as I take into serious consideration what I'm about to do.

"If you kill your mother who's going to give you treats huh?" I say sternly as I climb on, feeling glad that I wasn't wearing a skirt, just thick and warm pants. He chittered and I held on tightly to the large spikes that ran down his neck.

Sapphira straightened herself and launched herself into the sky with her powerful wings, I gasped as Draco began to skip and flap his wings. The leather skin of wings sounded like thunder in the air, and suddenly we were off the ground.

Only a few feet off the ground, the distance quickly grew, my eyes were held wide open and my legs tucked so tight against his chest. I could feel the wind running through my air so roughly, the stinging coldness on my bare fingers, but the pain didn't matter, I was flying.

Sapphira soard close next to us, gazing at me with her big blue eyes, almost admiringly. I smiled, I felt like for the first time I could understand her, and her thoughts were being shared with me.

They flew like they had no destination, like they could soar to the end of the earth, and then keep on going, right into the dark unknown of the night sky. I would happily go with them, they were practically my children, I felt such a deep responsibility over them, so much that I cant ever imagine being away from them.

We left the tundra and now only the mountains were beneath us, all the peaks were blurred together, mounds of white and icy snow. My eyes focused on one long and pointy mound, the black splotches in my sight faded as I squinted my eyes, was the mountain breathing? No.. it couldn't be. My eyes were fooling me.

Short Chapter 642 w/c

| Fraenairys Deuland | 19 | Albino | Partly Blind | 5'10 || Dragon Rider | Independent | Protective | Intelligent |

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| Fraenairys Deuland | 19 | Albino | Partly Blind | 5'10 |
| Dragon Rider | Independent | Protective | Intelligent |

| Sapphira | 3 | White | Grows Up To 200 Ft Long | High Pitched Call | Stubborn | Shy | Able To Breath Frost + Fire |

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| Sapphira | 3 | White | Grows Up To 200 Ft Long | High Pitched Call | Stubborn | Shy | Able To Breath Frost + Fire |

| Sapphira | 3 | White | Grows Up To 200 Ft Long | High Pitched Call | Stubborn | Shy | Able To Breath Frost + Fire |

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| Draco | 2 | White |Grows Up To 400 Ft Long | Deep Bellowing Call | Protective | Nosy | Breaths Only Blue Fire |

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