15 • Driftmark

95 4 4

*three year time skip*

"Won't you join us?" Rhaenyra begged, clasping my hands in hers tightly. "I cannot bear to be alone with them," her eyebrows were creased, if I didn't know any better I'd think she was about to cry. "It is truly a torture for me to see them together." Her voice was quiet.

I pulled her into my chest, wrapping my arms snuggly around her. "I cannot stay in The Red Keep forever, I'm sorry, I wish I could make you understand." I say with a deep sigh. She shakes her head in my shoulder, "Then I won't see you for your two and fourth name day," she says, accepting that I must leave.

I nod with a small thin smile, she pulls back and turns around, moving to her dresser. I watch as she digs through it with her trembling hands. She returns with a small pouch, "I want to give this to you then." She pulls the string and reaches inside, and then reveals a silver and red necklace.

My eyes widen as I stare at the emblem, resembling a three petaled flower with a scarlet gem in the center and more scattered on the chain. Valyrian steel. She sniffed and wiped her nose with the back of her hand. "My Uncle Daemon gave this to me almost four years ago, I know he was fond of you, so I'd like to give it to you."

She smiles up at me and gently places it in my palm, I shake my head, "I cannot take it, you haven't seen Daemon in years this is a precious memory of him." After Daemon tried to steal me away in the dragon pit, he left and there have since been rumors of his presence in the Stepstones with the Sea Snake..

"Just take the fucking piece of steel, Fraena." She says exasperatedly, I roll my eyes. She moved around me and lifted my hair out of the way before I could stop her, she clasped the necklace around my neck. "There." She said with a smile. "Now you must leave," she adds and sighs, "before I make you stay." Laughing to hide her sadness. I nod my head and gave her one last quick hug. "I will see you, princess."


     "They are restless, Fraenairys." Lano says in his fatherly tone, his eyebrows narrowed as he and two others guide out my dragons with long herding staffs. "That is to be expected, they are still growing after all." I reply and watch them approach me from the dark dragon pit entry.

In the three and a half years I've been here, they've grown to be very large. Sapphira was now bigger than Syrax, and of course Draco was rougher and larger than his twin. The tips of his horns and spikes had hints of bright blue, like the ice thick in the glaciers that glow. His eyes were very bright blue and his tail had developed a spiked end that could take out anyone he whipped it toward.

Sapphira grumbled from next to him, I hadnt taken them out of their caves for about a week, I wanted them to be ready and strong for this flight. Not like they needed the extra rest, they were incredibly strong already. Saphiras smooth scales shimmered in the morning sun, and she was far from joyful.

It was confirmed that Caraxes and Sapphira had formed a bond, they were truly engrossed with each other, up until Daemon took him and left. Since her mate left, I've only ridden her four times, and that was two years ago. I came toward her and she lowered her head, blowing out a puff of steam at my feet. I put my hands on her cheek and jaw, resting my head against hers, she closed her eyes momentarily. Draco lets out some steam as well, his jealous nature kicking in.

I roll my eyes and move away from her to mount Draco, the dragon keepers had fitted him for a saddle a while ago and brought out some old peeling leather seat, they must hate me for some odd reason. It was still more comfortable than dragon back. He lowers his neck and chest to the ground and I am able to grab a rope that dangles for me to pull myself up and onto the seat.

Lano steps forward, holding up a hand to signal me to listen. "What is it?" I ask, only slightly impatient. "The next time these hybrids are in King's Landing, they will not fit in the Dragon Pit." His voice is only loud enough for me to hear, my eyebrows furrow, about to question why he called my dragons hybrids but he spoke more. "They are called dragons from the North for a reason, they are very much different." He says, as if reading my mind.

"What do you mean?" I ask quickly, I swing my leg over the saddle, eager to jump down and make him explain himself, it wasnt entirely clear if he meant these comments as insults or not. He put up his hand and pushed my foot back, forcing me back onto the saddle. "You should be expecting my raven in Driftmark."

I nod my head goodbye to Lano and I signal for Draco to take off, Sapphira is right behind us. Draco opens his jaws, letting out a small plume of frosty air as we take off. "Wait-" I quickly say in protest, I look back at the pit, a few of the keepers were still watching, perhaps they didn't see it. I can't have anyone but myself and those I trust know about Draco's gift, I'm sure some would exploit it.


Medium Chapter | 957 w/c

Sorry for the long break, I don't have a good
excuse I've just been tired all the time lately :/

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