13 • Black Leather Scales

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It has been nearly three weeks since the egg was returned from Daemon's grasp, nearly three weeks since I've seen his face. Can't say I'm upset, his little taunting smirk had found a hole in my brain to curl up and take permanent residency in.

Every time I close my eyes my thoughts drift to him, his so far destructive behavior has proven to be quite. I do not have many memorable interactions with others save for a few people, Rhaenys and our frequent talks in the garden, Rhaenyra and her charming smile, and Daemon with his ridiculous smirk.

On my first day in King's Landing I had a very nice conversation with my birth mother, and in all of our conversations since then, she has ignored my question about what she said almost three weeks ago. I'd be discreet when I asked her what she had meant, and she'd give me a tight smile, shaking her head as she took in my appearance.

"You know the answer, Fraena. Just remember." Is what she said to me a few days ago, I don't mind her new private nickname for me. I was now lying in my own room, obviously in a separate area of the castle thanks to The Hand, but it was my own nonetheless.

I had a dresser, a bath, a lounge chair, and my own large bed with pillows made from the finest goose feathers in Westeros. Though my head may lay on heaven's foundation at night, my dreams were riddled with terror and fire.

I was still beyond worried for my dragons safety in the Dragon Pit, I took them out at least every two days to make sure the darkness wouldn't suppress their growth at all. Dauren had made sure I was caught up on every dragon book in our homestead's book shelf.

It's been a proven fact that dragons as younglings denied sunlight and free range fall behind in growth. Most dragons have it in their genetics to be larger, like Vhagar, Vermithor, and Balerion. My childhood bedtime stories were about a great man named Aegon the conqueror, I hadn't known he was a real person until I came here.

I sat up, the silk sheets falling off my frame, and sighed. I had told my assigned maid that she should use her skills elsewhere, she doesn't need to waste time getting me ready when I could do it myself. I stood up and glanced out the window, the dawn peered up over the earth's curvature in the distance, signalling morning was on the rise.

I removed my robe and replaced it with some tough rider pants and a short leather tunic, on top of that I fastened the longer feminine leather vest that resembled a shorter dress. Rhaenyra told me that the women's vests were made so we didn't look like men when we were riding. All I could think of was how stupid it was, I prefer comfort above all else.

I was planning on taking Draco and Sapphira to a nearby island I had discovered. Sapphira was nearly caught up with Draco in height, he was still much bulkier and rough-edged. I still rode both of them, I never rode one more than the other, or fed one more than the other. I figured that was the easiest way to avoid them biting each other's heads off.

I twisted my hair back in spirals and braids, a half bun and half down should do for today. The hallways around my room were always barren of people and any noise was absorbed by the red keeps thick walls, or maybe that was caused by my presence.

I had frequent history lessons with Princess Rhaenyra and Lady Alicent, who I had learnt was quite fun when you weren't insulting her father. There would be no lesson today though, today was much more special and heartfelt, we couldn't spoil it with an old book. It was more special to me, no one else knew about it, perhaps Daemon knew, but he wouldn't care.

A few years ago today, Dauren Deuland passed away and Sapphira took her first breath. I always fed Sapphira a goat or a fat pig in secret, away from Draco. And as she ate I would sit away and think to myself, I never believed in reincarnation before that day. I see so much of my beloved Dauren in Sapphira's eyes.

I kept my head down as I walked through the halls, I made it a personal goal to draw the least amount of attention towards myself in my stay. Maybe I was trying to prove something to The Hand. I pushed the thought away and focused on my path toward the Dragon Pit. The sun hit the skin on my cheeks, causing a pleasurable warmth to cover my body.

One of the keepers approached me and held up a hand, "we will get them," he said with his thick accent, I shook my head and smiled. "It's okay, I will." I responded, his eyes narrowed and he waved a hand at the other keepers to be dismissed. Normally I would let the men bring Draco and Sapphira out but today I wanted to see them myself.

A man handed me a torch, I took it and stepped down the inclined floor. My feet scraped the pebble littered floor, I squinted my eyes harder to see in the limited light. I looked down all the hallways and tried to remember where Daemon said Caraxes was kept. He did tell me they would be kept near his own dragon, as they had an instant connection.

Grumbles and distant roars echoed throughout the halls, though fear hadn't yet taken hold of me. The larger rooms, or rather caves, were pitch black as I looked in when I passed them. One in particular was quiet, I stood outside the door for an extra few seconds until I saw the orange heat pile in the middle of the darkness and glistening teeth came to.

"Lykirī..." I say and move behind a pillar, out of range from her fire she might shoot. Her neck extended upwards and fire erupted into the ceiling, the ground rumbled and the sound from the blast covered the sound of her chains swinging. Her scales glowed orange from the new light but I could tell they were blue, it was Dreamfyre.

I didn't stay for long, Dreamfyre might not appreciate having guests for a while. So I kept walking, more like creeping, down the long wide corridor, keeping in my bubble as to not disrupt someone's pet.

"Draco..." I whispered, rounding a corner that I knew was either Caraxes or Draco and Sapphira's cave room. I took a few steps, staring oddly into the darkness before me with unease. I eventually came to a forced stop when I collided with something, felt familiar though, scales?

I held my torch in front of me, nearly jumping out of my person as I took in the shape before me, a man was standing facing away from me. I lifted the torch higher, revealing long white hair, he slowly turned his head, barely looking over his shoulder at me. His tunic was made of black leather scales.

"Daemon?" I asked quietly in surprise, my grip tightened on the wood of the torch but my fingers trembled. The corner of his lip, like always, curled upward. He fully turned around, his hands resting on the hilt of his sword. "What are you doing back in King's Landing?" Was the only question that came to mind.

He kept his smile as he unabashedly looked me up and down, he tilted his head a little. "I'm only visiting you," he says and steps closer. "So don't go telling everyone, good?" He asks and lightly traces a finger down my jaw to the high collar of my vest, he taps it, seeming disappointed at my covering.

I nod my head a little, "oh... Okay." I say in understanding and swallow nervously. He nods his lead, swiping his tongue over his bottom lip and looking down at me from very up close. I should be backing away from the proximity, if I learned anything these past three weeks it's that I should not be so close to a man unrelated to me. We were distant relatives...

So I stayed close to him, not wanting to appear weak, and maybe not wanting to be away from him. His hand went from the collar of my vest to my shoulder, tracing the beaded pattern of my riding clothes. "Very good." He says, his voice is low yet I fear everyone can hear us.

"I don't have much time so, I'd like to spend it with you," his hand now on my hip, squeezing gently, the air leaves my lungs and my lips part subconsciously, anticipation fills me as I study for his next move. "Is that alright?" He asks, looking down at me through his blonde eyelashes.

Long Chapter 1512 w/c

Also... It would be so awesome if you guys look at my second work!
Three Means Trouble is the title and it's a reader x Aemond and Aegon fic.
That doesn't mean I'm going to be abandoning and barely posting on this fic, the other one is probably going to be slowly updated as I'm just starting out on it.

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