11 · A Walk The Garden

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The occupants in the hall all stood frozen, save for the king, Rhaenyra, and Daemon, he stood tall with his proud smirk, knowing that his cousin's actions had caught up with her.

I felt eyes on me, trying to find the resemblance. The dark blobs in the corner of my eye pulsed and ever so slightly grew in size, I lightly pinched the bridge of my nose as I felt the headache kick in.

Rhaenyra noticed and nudged me a little with her elbow, I returned my hand to my side and glanced at her. Her eyes were still trained on her father who was now rising to his feet.

"Well," he gave a tight lipped smile and clasped his hands together. "As much as I would love to keep this little reunion going, I have more important matters to announce." Heads turn, I narrow my eyebrows at him taking the situation so lightly, I swallow my words thickly.

"As you all know my stillborn son was supposed to share a crib with an egg from Dreamfyre's most recent clutch," Rhaenyra swallows and lifts her chin, I could sense that she hated remembering the past. "That egg has been stolen." Gasps erupt around the room in unison and whispers start in the corners.

Rhaenyra drops my arm and steps forward, "What?" Her voice raises. He puts up a hand and nods his head, "I just wanted to inform the people in this room, any word about this does not travel to those who were not here." He instructs.

Rhaenyra looked at Daemon, he was slightly rocking on his heels and staring at the ceiling with a small smile, mischief evident in his eyes. "How is this possible? We have the keepers for a reason don't we?" Rhaenyra argued and stepped closer and closer to the throne.

The king glanced at his brother and sighed slightly in annoyance. "They were away for a moment and someone managed to take one, we don't know who it was yet but the keepers are being heavily interrogated." He said calmly, trying to soothe his very angry daughter.

Slowly, a few people started leaving, whispering with faces of fear for the possible war of the throne that could arise due to my being here. I had no right to the throne, I knew that, but others might think I don't.

After being disappointed by her father's lack of information, Rhaenyra came huffing back to me and slid her arm back in mine and we began to exit the corridor. Someone's slippered feet hurriedly hit the stone floor after us, "Wait, Fraenairys," Rhaenys said eagerly.

Rhaenyra stopped, causing me to be stopped when I wanted nothing more than to go. She looked back at Rhaenys and then back at me, a sort of pleading expression on her face saying, 'you can't run forever'. I slightly nodded my head and she gently squeezed my arm as she left.

I turned to face Rhaenys, her eyes were wide and jaw was slightly agape as she stared at me. "Are you surprised?" I asked in confusion as I crossed my arms, she shook here head and closed her lips. "You never thought you would see me again, did you." I say in response to her silence.

"Might we discuss this somewhere else?" She asked as she looked over her shoulder, Daemon had moved closer, leaning against a nearby pillar, pretending to talk to a bald knight with a silver cape. "If you're my daughter at all then you'd hate these perked ears as much as I do." She said through clenched teeth and looked at the ceiling as she sighed.

Her anger wasn't directed toward me, more specifically to Daemon and anyone who might try and listen in on our conversation. I began to wonder if Daemon ever didn't,  smirk. That curled little lip of his was getting on my nerves, it's what got me here, and it might be what gets me out.

I left everything behind in the homestead, dinner was on the table, Silvy, Berta and Evan were still in the shed for goodness sakes, they would be dead by the end of the week, and I would be at fault. Dauren's legacy would freeze in time in the North and I'd have to thaw it out for years to even see the last trace of her existence.

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