2 · Sister Knows Best

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I wrapped the last package of chicken in cheese cloth and laid it down in front of Sapphira, the much bigger newborn cooed and waited for the command. "Suvion." I say in Valyrian and Sapphira puffs out her chest and let's out an icy blast over the wrapped meat.

The northern temperature had taken all of my livestock except for Silvy and her colt, Evan. I butchered the cow a few days ago, in hopes to save the meat before it went bad, and lucky for me, I had a dragon that could breath ice.

I found the Valyrian book in Dauren's room a year ago when I came back home with the newly hatched Sapphira. We lived in perfect harmony together, like mother and daughter. With the book I was able to learn the language of the dragons. Sapphira still struggled with dracarys, meaning dragonfire.

"Syz riñītos." I complimented her and placed the icy package in a basket with the others to take outside. Sapphira was now four feet long from the tip of her tail to the end of her snout, she grew almost rapidly now. I could see similarities between Sophrona and Sapphira's shapes, they both had a snake like torso and long necks and tails.

*Syz riñītos : good, little girl*

I emptied the basket into a wooden box covered in snow outside, I quickly locked it shut and went inside away from the cold. I saw Sapphira by the fire place next to her twin egg, clawing at it and pushing it away from the heat.

"Sapphira, what are you doing?" I questioned and approached her, Sapphira hissed at me quietly and then continued to pull the egg out of the warm air. I backed away and watched as Sapphira proceeded to blast frost onto the shell.

I sat down next to the fire and watched for a while, at this point I had no idea what to do, I don't understand dragon eggs. Especially ones that don't need warmth to hatch, like Sapphira. She curled herself around the egg as best she could and covered her twin in a sheet of ice.


While her mother was asleep, Sapphira waited patiently as the egg began to glow blue and the ice she had created began to melt off. It worked, some instinct in her told her that her brother needed to get some sense knocked into him, it was time to come out and he was getting lazy.

The shell cracked and nearly burst due to how big he was, Sapphira stood and gave him his space. He clawed, shifted himself until his wings were free, and then his entire body was free and Sapphira could see her baby brother for the first time. He was too big for his egg, the effect of his procrastinating.

He opened his eyes and spotted Fraenairys on the couch, sound asleep. He looked to his sister, who was supposed to be his twin. As if they speaking to each other, she shook her head quickly and stretched, then laid down in a ball and he hopped over and curled up next to her.


By the time I woke up, both of the dragons were gone, a broken egg left in the middle of the room. I stood up and my heart rate increased, I slept through the awakening of Sapphira's twin, or overdue twin.

I searched the whole house, nothing was destroyed or moved, they must be in the barn, I thought to myself and swung open the cracked barn door, expecting to see Evan lying in the straw with a baby dragon devouring him.

But I saw quite the opposite actually, Evan was prancing around the barn, chasing after a white newborn dragon that flew in the air. A smile covered my face and I watched as the two babies enjoyed each other's company.

Sapphira was perched on a beam that went across the top of the barn, watching with wide eyes, making sure her sibling didn't eat the colt. I examined the new baby, he wasn't as small as Sapphira was when she was a newborn. Comparing him to his egg, it was a miracle he even fit.

I can't call him "he" forever, I must think of a name soon or I might end up calling him buddy for the rest of his life. He swooped up and landed next to his sister, he was half her size and much more rigid and had more sharp edges. He looked down at me, then to Sapphira.

She screeched and jumped down at my feet and looked back up at him, he hesitantly followed and stood slightly behind her. I sat down on the straw and put a hand out for him to come closer.

His eyes were bright blue with striking gold flecks around his pupils, along with tiny gold scales that went down his chest and tail. He had the same tube shaped body and multiple horns framed his spine and the back of his neck and head. He and Sapphira were almost identical, but she was more elegant and smoothly shaped.

He sniffed the air and stayed with his feet planted in the ground, he didn't want to come near me at all. Sapphira hissed at him and smacked him with her tail, causing him to growl and let a plume of blue fire out. I jerked my hand back as the flame touched me, I brought my hand up and looked at my fingers, surprised to see no burnt skin.

"How strange," I mutter, and then look back to the baby, who had a somewhat shocked expression on his face as well. He must be just as surprised as I was. Suddenly he screeched and crawled over to me eagerly and perched himself in my lap.

Medium Chapter 972 w/c

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