Paimon Finds a Town!

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Taji walks down a dirt road, her eyes closed as she has a hand on her chin.

'I've been following this road for a few hours, and I haven't seen a single bit of life.' Taji sighs as dark lines appear on her face. 'I'm never gonna meet another person, am I?'

"Hey." A voice calls out.

'I'm gonna die out here aren't I?'


'What did I do to deserve this life?!'

"HEY!" The voice grabs onto Taji's small shoulder.

"Hmm?" Taji turns around to see a massive man holding up a cracked sword. 'He's literally the definition of bandit.'

"It's dangerous to be traveling these roads alone, we'll escort you..." The bandit smiles, showing off his yellow teeth. "For a fee of course."

"Paimon has no use for you." Taji backhands the man away, sending him crashing into a tree.

"UGH!" The man falls onto the ground and doesn't get up.

"BOSS!" Several voices yell out.

Taji looks to the side and sees several more people that look like bandits, though not as big as their leader.

"You're all bandits, aren't you?!"

"Yes, man'am!" A bandit yells, only to be elbowed in the side.

"Wait a minute..." Taji's eyes shine as she zooms up to them, floating right in their faces. "Does that mean you've recently kidnapped a noble of sorts, where I can rescue and extort- I mean request a good hefty reward?"

"No!" A bandit yells in fear. "We only extort newbie adventures for some money! We've never even killed or kidnapped anyone." Paimon glares at him. "Please don't hurt me!"

Taji holds her hand out. "Give me all your money,-" She smirks. "-and I'll think about not hurting you."

The bandits give her several pouches of coins, before running to their knocked out boss and drag him away. "We're sorry!" They all yell as they disappear down the road, leaving behind a cloud of dust.

Taji blinks a few times. "I should have asked them where the nearest town was. Egh..." She sighs then looks at the three pouches full of coins in her hands. "Now, what to do with these?"

The three pouches turn into start particles and flow into Taji. She blinks a few times in surprise. Then start particles flow out from her and the three pouches return into her hand.

Taji gasps in excitement. "I HAVE AN INVENTORY!" She throws her hands yup, sending the coin pouches flying. "MY MONEY!"

Taji screams as she chases after the pouches and catches two in both hands, while the third lands on her head, sending her to the ground.

"Erhhhh..." Taji groans as she lays face first on the ground, the three pouches disappearing in start particles.

Taji then hears the sounds of a squeaky wheel approaching and she props herself up and sees a carriage full of boxes approaching her. Taji stands up and floats to the side of the road and stands there.

The carriage slowly approaches Taji and the driver notices and stops next to her.

Taji observes the driver. The driver is an old man with grey hair and dulling green eyes. He's wearing lavish looking clothes that are covered in a red cloak.

"A child?" The old man questions.

"Paimon's not a child!" Taji shouts in anger. 'I just called myself Paimon accidentally.'

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