Paimon's Confrontation With Bandits

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Paimon yawns as she slowly opens her cosmic dark blue eyes. She stares up to the ceiling for a few moments as she hears the light purring of Nemuri, who's holding onto her side as she sleeps.

Sunlight shines onto her face after staring up at the ceiling for several minutes. She grumbles and sits up, which wakes up Nemuri.

"Stupid sun..." Paimon mutters. "Paimon will destroy the sun, and peacefully sleep forever!"

Nemuri yawns and rubs her eyes, before letting out a happy cry and floating into the air.

"Is it morning already?" Rein whines as he hides under the blankets.

Demai shoots up and throws a fist up. "YAY! NEW DAY!"

Everyone grumbles as they wake up.

"I want more sleep..." Teina mutters as sits up and adjusts her hood.

Abluis rubs his eyes and stands up, giving a thumbs up.

Julian yawns as he sits up, his hair sticking everywhere. "Uh, what time is it?"

"Is it time for breakfast?" Paimon asks.

Demai shoots off her bed with a happy look, her face looking a bit chibi. "Good morning Vophate Dynasty! I got a feeling that it's gonna be a wonderful day!"

'Is she singing the American Dad intro?' Paimon questions as she starts putting on her normal clothes.

"The sun in the sky has a smile on his face!" Demai slides over to the window. "And he's-"

"Demai! SHUT UP!" Rein shouts as he hops out of his bed.

Demai's ears droop. "Okay..."

Everyone gets ready for the day and they head out of the Inn. With Demai being more energetic than usual.

"Let's go get some food, then let's go fishing, then lets go-!" Demai speaks quickly.

Julian grabs Demai's shoulder. "Demai, why are you so hyper?"

"I-I-I don't know! I was walking outside the village yesterday and found some weird herbs, and they smelt so good, and I hate them. And then I felt really good! And I could stop sniffing and eating them, then I got real tired, butNowIHaveSoMuchEnergy!" Her cat eyes dilate.

'Paimon thinks she found catnip.' Paimon says in thought.

"Um, Demai, I think you should stay away from that herb." Rein fixes a strap on on chest armor.

Demai gasps in shock. "WhyWouldIDoThat!ItWasSuchAnAmazingHerb!"

Julian shakes Demai. "Snap out of it!"

Demai shakes her head and her eyes return to normal. "Sorry... Hehehe...."

"Well, today's our last day of rest." Julian speaks to the party. "Kedrern said, we'll leave tomorrow morning... Four the four day trip to Greendale."

Everyone grows depressed at today's the last day of rest, and the long trip ahead of them. Nemuri falls onto the ground in a depressed cry.

"Ugh, Paimon hates long travels!" Paimon complains.

"Let's not get depressed today." Julian waves his hands. "So let's just enjoy our day and do what we want!" He throws a fist up.

"Yay!" Everyone, but Albuis and Teina, cheer.

With that everyone separates and heads their own ways through the village. Paimon hums happily as she floats around with Nemuri.

"Paimon's thinking we should go to the bar, then to the restaurant, then to the restaurant in the Inn." Paimon has a hand on her chin. "Then we should go to the shop to buy some rations for the road ahead."

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