Paimon Arrives at the Capital

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Paimon leans out the back of the carriage as it travels down a large road. A large kingdom is far off in front of it. Nemuri is sitting next to Paimon, smiling and humming. The rest of the party has they're eyes closed.

'Ugh... it's been about 4 days of traveling...' Paimon sighs. 'We did stop in a small village yesterday so that was nice.' She glances at Teina, who has her hood down and her eyes closed. 'At least Teina is being a lot less antisocial.'

Teina opens her amber eyes and glances at Paimon, making the Faerie looks away with a blush.

'Paimon feels like a school girl around Teina.' Paimon closes her eyes as a breeze blows by. 'Uh... Paimon doesn't really think she could love anyone, after last time...'

"Useless." A voice echoes in Paimon's head making her grits her teeth in anger.

Paimon takes a deep breath and calms her nerves. 'Paimon doesn't think it'd work out anyway...'

"We nearly there?" Rein's whinny voice asks as he uses a full sack of apples as a pillow.

"Just an hour." Kedrern's voice calls out from the driver seat. "I can see the Castle walls from here."

Paimon starts to float and flies out the back of the carriage and sits on top of it, looking out to the city in the distance.

'Wow, it looks a bit like Minas Tirith from Lord of the Rings, just not as tall, it's wider and doesn't have the large cliff poking out from the castle.' Paimon then grows excited. 'Oh, Paimon's first big city! Paimon wonders how comfortable the beds at the Inn we'll be staying at are, and how good the food is?'

A few birds fly overhead, chirping.

'Hmm, Paimon hopes they don't make a fuss about Nemuri, she's such a sweet creature... Even if she can easily kill any man.' Paimon shivers. 'Though Paimon wonders why she hasn't seen or heard of anymore Daedreams. They're hasn't been a recorded Deadream sighting in over 2,000 years.'

Paimon lays down and stare up to the clouds in the sky.

'Paimon feels like she's getting more questions than answers.' Paimon then lets out an annoyed groan. 'And people keep ruining Paimon's resting days! Like yesterday in the village a dragon had passed overhead, causing everyone to panic, making it hard to get any rest at all!'

Nemuri's head pokes out from the carriage and glances around until she spots Paimon. She lets out a happy cry and waves to Paimon. Said Faerie tilts her head back and looks at her partner, waving back.

"Yes, Nemuri, you can have some red berries when we get to Vophite." Paimon says to the beast.

Nemuri gives another happy cry and goes back into the carriage.

Paimon closes her eyes. 'It sure has been a busy month and a half since Paimon came to this world... At least it's more exciting than Paimon's old office job... Japan treats their workers like shit. At least in my job area. Ugh, my eight hours days half the time turned into 12 hours just to meet deadlines.'

Paimon sits up and watches some deer run deeper into the forest. A few squirrels stop their climbing of trees to look at the passing carriage. A bird lands on a nest and feeds its young.

'Here, the air is clean, the food is all organic, and I can take whatever jobs I want!' Paimon throws a fist into the air. 'Huzzah! I will one day explore this massive world... I think it's twice the size of regular Earth, this continent alone is like the size of Pangea! Though it is the largest continent in the world, there are still a few others. Like the World Tree on the continent just about 500 nautical miles to the west of this landmass.'

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