Paimon's Rank Up!

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Paimon and the Party head through the streets of Greendale and head towards the guild. Nemuri nibbles on some red berries in her hand. Teina hangs in the back of the party.

"I wonder what kind of quests they have here?" Julian questions as he rolls his right shoulder.

"Probably the same as Alsely." Rein says in a monotone voice.

"I know that, but what kind of monsters, type of gathering quests!"

Demai sighs. "I hope we get ranked up soon, then we can take on dungeons."

Paimon tilts her head. "Dungeons?"

"Dungeons are caves that have had lots of mana in them and it condensed down into a core. Then the core starts to form floors, monsters and treasure. The older they are, the more floors and stronger monsters you can find. Some dungeons even have special effects, like low gravity, decreasing spell effectiveness, random teleport spells, and other weird things."

'Oh, so like dungeons from the fantasy books Paimon's read.' Paimon says in thought. "Sounds like fun!"

"I heard that a new dungeon formed a couple miles from here a few months ago." Rein informs. "A weird dungeon from what I've heard."

"Weird, how?" Julian asks.

"Well, it's not a lethal dungeon. The monsters won't kill you, they just knock you out, take a few of your stuff and drag you back to the entrance. But I heard if you don't kill any of the dungeons monsters, when you get to the core, it'll provide you with a reward."

"That is weird." Julian mutters. "We'll have to check it out one day."

"Paimon wants to fight a dungeon now!" She shouts as she zooms up to Julian.

Julian sweat drops. "Only Adventurers Rank D and above can take on Dungeons."

"What, why?!"

"For safety reasons."

Paimon crosses her arms and pouts. "That's stupid." Nemuri pats her head.

Everyone chuckles as Paimon as they arrive at the guild. Finding it mostly empty.

"Weirdly empty for such a large city." Rein mutters.

"I agree." Julian nods.

The party of six heads up to the reception desk where an Elf girl stands. The elf girl has short pink hair with blue eyes.

"Welcome Adventurers!" The Elf girl greets. "How may I help you today?"

"We're just here to take on a quest." Julian informs.

The Elf girl nods and motions to a nearby bulletin board with only a few papers. "Here are the available quests."

The party looks over to the board and walk over to it.

Rein whines. "Most of them are just simple gathering quests. And the one that's not is a quest to take down a Cockatrice!"

"There weren't so few quests back in Aslely." Julian sighs.

"Do you happen to be Julian the party leader, of an adventurer group of six that just came from Aslely?" The Elf asks.

"Uh, Yeah?" Julian confirms.

The Elf claps her hands together. "Wonderful, I happened to receive a letter from Guild Master Lillian yesterday." She grows a large smile. "She told me to inform you all that you know have reach D Rank."

Everyone smiles, even Teina.

"Does that mean we can take on that dungeon now?" Paimon asks, and the Elf girl nods. "YEAH!"

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