Interlude: Worries of a Princess

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Walking through the halls of a luxurious castle is a young girl with brown hair and yellow eyes, with a tiara on her head. She wears a purple fluffy dress. She has a worried look on her face.

 'My name is Wisteria Vophate. I am destined to become the 43rd ruler of the Vophate Dynasty. My life may seem easy, but with the current problems of the world, my life is as hard as ever.'

Wisteria looks out a window to see the bright sun shining down on the city below her castle.

'The eastern side of the continent is either at war or trying to survive the Demon King. Then our closest ally Elhe Balanore being at war with Yanna. Two once peaceful nations suddenly at war with each other. Someone forced this war, because Yanna has no chance of even getting close to winning, so why would they attack Elhe? It feels like some divine being wanted this.'

Wisteria glances at a few paintings on the wall beside her.

'Then there's our rival kingdom of Euclus. The tensions have been rising over the past few weeks since the war started between Yanna and Elhe Balanore, and my father fell ill. I worry that they'll take this chance and attack us, the only thing really stopping them is the Haunted Forest directly between our kingdom and theirs.'

Wisteria glances at a few maids that curtsy as she passes them.

'The Haunted Forest was created as a natural barrier by the first Ruler of the Dynasty. A thousand years ago when this land was nothing but dead many monster lived in this area. And the worst were living where Euclus is today, so the Haunted Forest was created to protect this city. The Forest comprised of many powerful spirit beasts that were once the Familiars of first Ruler.'

Wisteria looks out the window again and spots a few soldiers training.

'Even if Euclus wanted to avoid the Forest, they'd either have to go through the treacherous mountains to the north or the desert to the south west. Either way they'd lose many soldiers trying to get to us, but still I fear they may invade.'

Wisteria takes a deep breath.

'Even as the acting ruler of the Dynasty, there's so much I have to worry about. But protecting my people comes first over everything, even if it means making some tough choices, luckily they have yet to come.'

Wisteria stops outside a large door and takes a deep breath.

'Just gotta get through today and have fun at the ball tonight. I just need my worries to disappear for one night. I just need the world to freeze for one night, then the chaos can resume tomorrow after I send off the Spirits of the Fae to Elhe Balanore.'

"Your highness." A voice calls out from the side.

Wisteria looks to the side and sees the Lieutenant of the Royal Guard, Sir John Featherniche.

"Lieutenant." Wisteria gives a small nod.

John walks up to Wisteria and bows. "Your father has awakened and wishes to see you after your meeting."

Wisteria lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank you Lieutenant. I will visit him after this meeting."

John nods as he remains bowed. Wisteria takes a deep breath and enters the room, shutting the doors behind her. 

John straightens himself as a necklace lodges itself out from his tunic.  

John hears a commotion outside and he walks to a nearby window

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John hears a commotion outside and he walks to a nearby window. He looks out to see the party Spirits of the Fae walking away from the castle.

Paimon is shouting at Rein as he glares at the floating faerie. John's eyes land on the cat-kin Demai, he narrows them at the girl. He then stuffs the necklace around his neck under his tunic and turns around, leaving the area.



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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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