Paimon Awakens After The Big Fight

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Darkness... Cold... A Void... There rests a soul traveling through the nothingness. There is the still soul of a Faerie, staring blankly into the darkness. Her tired dark purple cosmic eyes blink a few times, before a thought fills her mind.

'This is... familiar.'

Paimon's eyes glance around.

'I think... I've been here before?'

"Oh my dear, you have." A female chuckle is heard.

'A voice? You sound familiar, does Paimon know you?'

A shadow suddenly looms over Paimon, with a creepy smile and white eyes baring into her. "Oh, you do, you know me very well."

A confused look grows on Paimon's face. 'I- Paimon doesn't think she has met you before?'

The shadow tilts her head. "Oh, love, you just haven't figured it out yet. You will in due time... but till then. Keep learning, so that I may grow and finally return~" She disappears.

'Return, wait! Who are you, Pai- I want to know! You, tell Paimon who you are? Why are you familiar! Why does she know you! Are you her mother, or a sister, or something?!'

A crack appears in the void and Paimon grits her teeth in pain as she closes her eyes. She bits her tongue so as to not scream in pain. A dark feminine chuckle rings through the void as a large creepy smile forms in the void, along the crack.



Paimon opens her eyes, everything blurry at first. But it slowly clears to see a wooden ceiling above her.

'Paimon doesn't know this ceiling...' Paimon says in thought.

Suddenly a child looms over her with a smile. The child has jade green hair and green eyes. The child smiles as she notices Paimon is awake.

"You're awake!" The child gasps in happiness.

The child suddenly runs off before Paimon can call out to her. She hears the door open and footsteps runs down the hall.

Paimon slowly sits up, her body aching and her head hurting.

Paimon grunts as she rubs her head, feeling bandages around it. "Paimon feels like she drank an entire bottle of Sake." She lifts up a hand and feels her halo. "Whew, it's still there... Paimon probably would have felt if it wasn't there."

She looks around and spots a window a little ways from her. She looks out it as the Afternoon sun shines into the room. She sees the busy streets of Greendale.

Suddenly several pairs of footsteps run towards the door and the door slams open.

"Paimon!" Several voice shout.

Paimon grips her head in pain. "Don't shout, Paimon's head hurts!"

Paimon looks towards the door and sees Julian, Albuis, Demai and Rein running towards her bed. They all have bandages wrapped around them, Rein having the most.

Paimon smirks. "You all look like crap."

Everyone sighs in relief.

"Well, it seems like you're okay." Julian sits down on a stool beside the bed.

"You should look at yourself!" Rein grunts as he crosses his arms.

Paimon looks down at herself and notices she's not wearing her shirt as her chest and arms are all wrapped up. She blinks a few times and screams as she covers herself with a blanket.

WHY AM I EMERGENCY FOOD IN A LAND FULL OF DRAGONS?!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin