Paimon Confronts Her Friend

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The Carriage arrives just outside a village of Fumel, a village around the same size of Aslely. The party hops outside of the carriage and look at the village in front of them with a couple guards out front.

"Wow, a new village!" Paimon says in happiness.

"Seems like a simpler town compared to Alsely." Rein points out.

"Well, it's a farming village." Demai informs.

Kedrern walks up to a guard and speaks to them. The guard nods and Kedrern bows. The party walks up to Kedrern.

"What are we gonna do, old-man?" Paimon asks

Kedrern turns to the party. "We've gonna stay here for a couple days to rest a little, before we head to Greendale."

Everyone nods and they hear Rein... fliritng.

"So, you're a guard?" Rein flirts with a female guard. "That's cool, I'm an adventurer, aiming for the top."

"Woow..." The female guard says without enthusiasm.

The party deadpans as they watch Rein's failed flirting attempts. Kedrern sighs and walks into the village as he stands his fingers. Bneli neighs and follows after him.

"What a loser." Paimon follows after Kedrern.

"I know, right." Demai follows Paimon.

Albuis just nods as he follows after them, Teina doesn't show any emotion and follows after everyone.

Julian walks over to Rein and grabs him by the back of his armor. "Come on, lover bird, let's go." He drags Rein away.

"Wait, wait!" Rein shouts as he flails around. "I was just about to get her name!"

"Yeah, sure you were."

A few minutes later the party follows the carriage through the small village. Teina takes the back, staying a few steps back.They all look around and notice one thing.

"Why is everyone so tense?" Julian questions.

Someone walks up to him. "The village has been under threat by a large group of bandits the past few days. They haven't done any real damage, other than take our money and food. But they've been getting more aggressive by the day, it's only time before they take one of our lives." The person bows and walks away.

"Bandits?" Rein questions, before he looks over to Kedrern. "Do you think they're the same ones that attacked us?"

Kedrern rubs his white beard as his dull green eyes hold a calculating look. "Maybe, it seems way too coincidental. All of you keep your guard up."

"Yes sir." They all responds and Nemuri gives an affirmative cry.

They all arrive at a general store and Kedrern turns to the group. "Stay here for a few moments, I'll be right back."

Everyone nods and they see all the scared villagers moving around.

"You all thinking the same thing?" Rein questions.

"We kill the shit out of these bandits!" Paimon grows a sadistic smirk, and everyone slowly turns to her. She blinks a few times as she shakes her head. "Sorry."

"I agree with Paimon." Rein says.

"Now now." Julian speaks up. "We can try to handle this without killing anyone."

"Julian..." Demai starts.

"I know, I know... If it comes to it, we'll have to kill them. I know not everything can be resolved peacefully."

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