Paimon's First Job

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Paimon and her party head out of the guild as she floats next to them, constellations flying off her.

"Umm..." Paimon starts. "Paimon thought goblins were a part of society? Why are we hunting them?"

"Do you not know?" Asks Julian as Paimon shakes her head. "There are two kinds of Goblins Civilized ones, who evolved to appear more human and be a part of society. Then there's Feral Goblins, they stayed in the wild and never evolved that much, they're not very smart or strong, but in groups they are very dangerous. Feral Goblins like to raid villages for their valuables and food."

The party leaves the city, the guards watching the gate step back in fear as they see Paimon.

"Wait..." Paimon starts to sweat. "Do they steal women and you know...?"

Demai raises an eyebrow as her tail twitches. "Rape them? No, feral goblins never do they, they have females among their kind. If they don't have a female in their group, they raid other groups and steal their women. Though Goblins can kidnap people so they can eat them, they prefer very fresh meat."

Paimon sighs in relief. 'Good, they're not like Goblin Slayer, goblins. Those are the worst.'

"But still, Feral Goblins are a disgusting, vial creatures." Teina states in a quiet tone.

Rein rests his simple spear over his shoulders. "They're just really annoying, I could easily take a hundred of them off."

Demai and Julian deadpan as they stare at their cocky friend. "You'll get killed easily..."

"What?! No way, I'm the strongest of the group!" Rein shouts and Albuis glances down at him, but Demai and Julian still stare at Rein with deadpan looks. "Fine, second strongest." They continue to stare. "STOP STARING AT ME!!!"

Julian chuckles and points into the forest to their right. "Off to the Crescent Scar!"

The party heads into the forest as they glances around every once and a while.

Paimon floats up next to Julian. "What's the Crescent Scar?"

Julian glances at Paimon. "You don't know a lot do you, Miss Paimon?"

Paimon glares at Julian. "Paimon knows a lot, she just doesn't know what the Crescent Scar is!"

 "Paimon knows a lot, she just doesn't know what the Crescent Scar is!"

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Julian sweats as she holds up his hands. "Sorry, Sorry." He clears his throat. "The Crescent Scar is one of two scars created during the Great Schism. The second scar is the Waning Scar. The scars are about three miles long and half a mile wide. The village is in the center of the two scars, which are 60 miles a part, so it'll take us a while to reach the Crescent Scar."

'That's rather large, what caused that?' Paimon questions.

"What's the Great Schism?"

Julian scratches his cheek. "Not much is known about the Great Schism, since it happened about 4,000 years ago. But what we know is that a war happened between the gods. The legend goes is that there was a really powerful Tyrant Goddess that made people fight just for her amusement and destroyed kingdoms just for a laugh."

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