Paimon Becomes an Adventurer!

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Inside of the Sleeping Dragon Inn Paimon is peacefully sleeping on a large fluffy bed. Drool falls from her mouth as a smile forms. Morning sun shines through the window near the bed, shining onto her face.

Paimon groans and rolls to the other side of the bed, nearing the edge. "Five more minutes, Kriltris. The kingdom can survive without me for one morning..."

Paimon's arm swings to the side and off the side of the bed, which sends her over the edge and she falls head first onto the floor, making her halo fall off and rolls off to the side. Paimon just lays there for a few seconds, before propping herself up and screaming.

"I'M GONNA BE LATE FOR WOOOOOORK!" Paimon screams, before she blinks a few times and looks at her surroundings. "Where's Paimon?" She then spots her halo off near the window and she stands up and walks over to it.

Paimon grabs her halo and sets it onto her head, and floats up and looks out the window. Spotting the streets full of Humans, Elves, and Demi-humans. Paimon's eyes light up as she gasps.

"THAT'S RIGHT!" Paimon laughs. "Paimon's been Isekaid! AHAHA!" she giddily flies around the room as she wiggles. "Paimon's so happy! No more reports, no more memos, no more deadlines, no more rent... Maybe there's rent in this world... But no more un-nutritionists food! Hehehehehehe..."

Paimon cackles with a evil smirk on her face.

"Paimon's boss can't yell at her anymore... Wait, Paimon got fired... Damn..."

Paimon floats down onto the bed and sits. She then puts a hand on her chin. 'What should Paimon do today?' A bad smell fills her nose and her face turns green. "WHAT'S THAT SMELL!"

Paimon hops off the bed and tries to find the bad smell, while she prevents herself from vomiting. She can find the monster, and the smell keeps getting worse... But then she stops and her eyes turn white as she looks down at herself and sniffs.

Paimon loudly gags and coughs a few times. "Why... does Paimon smell?" She grows a look of disgust.

"Why does Paimon smell?" She questions herself again, expecting a response, but there's no one to respond

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"Why does Paimon smell?" She questions herself again, expecting a response, but there's no one to respond. "This is unacceptable!"

Paimon holds her hand out and the bath card appears in her hand. She floats her way over the door and opens it up. She stomps her way, in the air, down the steps. Constellations float off her body as she floats herself.

As she float-stomps her way down into the main area of the Inn, she spots Kirlen, the trap elf, behind the counter. Kirlen's wearing what looks like a dress.

Paimon also notices that Kirlen's pretty short. 5'4''(162.5 cm). The elf looks over and his bright blue eyes light up as he spots Paimon.

"Good morning, Miss Paimon!" Kirlen smiles.

Paimon floats down towards Kirlen. "Good Morning Kirlen... Why are you wearing a dress."

Kirlen twirls around. "I wanted to feel cute today, I think I did a good job." He then puts some of his long hair behind his ear as he smile at the child.

WHY AM I EMERGENCY FOOD IN A LAND FULL OF DRAGONS?!Where stories live. Discover now